Melania Trump To Solo Vacation On Taxpayers Dime!

As another poster said, I think she’s going to Africa to piss off her husband. You don’t see him voluntarily visiting countries full of brown people.

Also, it occurred to me that Africa might also be a safe space for her. Much less likely to get protests.

Trump visited Mexico even before he was president

And yes, he has visited “countries full of brown people” as president too.

So why do you have to play the part of a pathetic race baiter?

He wanted Mexico to pay for a wall. He doesn’t want anything from Africa…yet.

Quit with the pretentiousness. You made a statement in the form of a leading question. Back it up.

I heard they’re sending along a separate Osprey just to carry Melania’s “I don’t care do u” jacket.

That’s terrible, if true.

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Darn, I thought they could do an interview together and she could verify that Trump used money from their personal accounts to pay for his hookers while she was pregnant.

What I do think is terrible is that despite there being a White House website that it is almost always in the “FAKE NEWS” that we Americans learn about what First Lady Melania Trump is doing or planning to do. Both First Lady Laura Bush and First Lady Michelle Obama embraced the online venue in promoting their pet projects aka causes aka agendas.

I don’t know if First Lady Melania Trump is just not up to speed on the great venue she has or if she is being deliberately restricted?

If the latter, that would be terrible.

Warning Grammar Lesson In Progress
Read it at the risk of your own edification.

What Is a Declarative Sentence?

A declarative sentence states a fact or an argument and ends with a

full stop / period.

Declarative sentences are by far the most common type of sentence.

What Is a Direct Question?

A direct question can be answered (i.e., it is not a statement) and always ends in a question mark.

A direct question is an interrogative sentence.


I see, so a troll is someone who disagrees with you.

BTW, Melania is on an anti-bullying campaign designed for children, not full grown adults, but that does not seem to sink in with you, or the twitter sewer.

These adults, are engaging the president directly on twitter and the news media, with insults and slanderous comments. Do you see the difference, children vs adults?

To which the following was the response.


First Lady Melania Trump is telling children they have to not be bullies until they become adults, then it is OK?

That is sad.

Notice class, LouC’s sentence regarding the other posters comments is a direct question. It is not a declarative sentence.

Who takes a vacation in Africa?

We don’t even know which countries she’s visiting.

I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt. At least she and her husband aren’t plundering kids’ lunches—are there now less obese children due to that initiative?—or the group & individual purchased health insurance policies of others.

Now I don’t like President Trump’s openly expressed hostilities, & wouldn’t want my daughter in a room alone with him. But I’d rather have the Trumps in the White House than the Obamas.

Who takes a vacation in Africa? Millions of people each year do.

Plundering kids lunches? Who was “plundering kids lunches”. Certainly hope you aren’t going to try to idiotically claim President Barack Obama and or First Lady Michelle Obama were doing that. They weren’t.

That “initiative”? You mean the VOLUNTARY Federal School Breakfast and Lunch subsidies program? You did know that schools could opt out of that, and that many did.

Success of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move initiative, a program focusing on healthier activities, healthier life choices? That, coupled with Congress’s actions in requiring healthier school meals would have been measured in the long run, not in just any immediate measure.

Unfortunately any possible success of that one-two combination for working on healthier kids was tossed in the dustbin when Fat Donald and his Congress cronies rolled back regulations regarding school lunches allowing unhealthy crap back onto the menu.

You would rather have an openly hostile man, a potential sexual abuser in the White House than President Barack Obama.


Is it that ability to afford a CostCo membership, thanks to those temporary tax cuts, that has you so sold on Donny?

Is it his being white?

Is it his shoving chocolate milk and high sodium foods into the hands of schools kids at lunch that does the trick for you?

Is it because he pretends to be a Republican?

Is it because of his disdain for Muslims or brown people?

Honestly, what does it for you?

Cost Co Membership—That’s something to be exited about? Really?! I’ve been in there, & prefer Walmart low prices.

Being white—White supremacy isn’t my thing. Have actually told off both on line posters & off line acquaintances who have spouted such drivel.

Re overweight children—Parents can always opt out of the lunch program & brown bag.

Perhaps it’s time to get away from labels like “Republican” & vote based on issues.

Disdain for brown people & Muslims? Really!!! The immigrant whose deportation caused a stink around here was a white doctor. As for me, my ‘brown’ neighbors, including Muslims, are less troublesome than some of the white, elderly native born, & I’d say more whites in this neck of the woods exploit various welfare programs than anyone.

I like that people have more choices with this President. Even Obama’s Senior Adviser, Valerie Jarret, noted the number of jobs eliminated under Obama. Seems more are not only going to work, but, from what I’ve observed, quitting jobs not satisfying and having other jobs to go. They’re not quitting to stay home or work minimum wage. I like his attempt to follow through with promises on deportation of problem immigrants & the end of the mandate to carry health insurance. Now, if only he could get rid of the rest of the “Affordable” Care Act.


Catch lines 2 & 3? “We don’t even know what countries she’s visiting.”

She could be visiting someplace like Kenya, where visitors may want to go on Safari, or she may visiting countries with more pressing problems which would not make them as likely vacation spot.

I’m granting the benefit of the doubt without knowing which countries.

I would not be surprised if Melania decides to divert to Slovenia on the way home and formally request asylum.


Will she ever come home?

Doesn’t matter what countries she is visiting or even why. When a previous First Lady visited Africa many on the Right Wing here especially in Hannityland just didn’t care, they called it a vacation, flat out, it mattered not to them any of the where or the why. Not one bit. Turn about is fair play here? Right?

Guess you must have not been on the old board during the Obama years.

If you had been you would understand this issue better.


About 35 million people visit Africa each year. Many, if not most, are on business ventures, with some vacationing on the side, a large chunk are people going to visit family members who live there, some of that travel may also be vacation related, but an estimated solid 15% from start to finish are pure vacationing travelers to Africa. From what I understand about one in four jobs being worked in Africa are tourist related.

Could be, especially if she takes Baron with her on her vacation.

There was no issue then and there is no issue now. You have your panties in a twist for no reason at all.

avergbear started a thread EVERY time either of the Obamas went anywhere. You have a terrible memory.

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