Meet Matthew Martin

None of that was representative of BLM and was denounced by the BLM organization. So no, it was not okay with me or with BLM. Just like I wouldn’t assert the Nazis marching with tiki torches or the murder of Heather Heyer as representative of the GOP as a whole.

Arrested for what?


Failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident, criminally negligent vehicle operation, speeding, failure to change lanes. I am certain something in Louisana motor vehicle law could have had him cited and held.

They are investigating. If that is the case, they will deal with it.

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How many people you know been arrested for a traffic violation?

Ayup. But that did not preclude them from citing him and arresting him up front.

A bunch of them in my 61 years.

Arresting him for a traffic violation?

Bull feathers.

In what way?

Racist kid kills a man and then laughs about it on social media, and everyone’s first instinct is to politicize/whataboutism it.

What do you suppose the intent of the OPs speculation was?

Why don’t you tell us? What sort of education DO you suppose his parents gave him?

The OP speculated what sort of education his parents gave him. I took that to mean he thinks the parents taught the kid his racism. There was no mention of politics.

How did you read it?

You read it right. Thanks.

I don’t think he doesn’t have some preconceived notion as to what sort of “education” his parents gave him.

Call me jaded.

Bravo! Some loon gets in a fatal accident in Louisiana and the very first post uses that cliche and blames it on Trump.

I was gong to put something like that here for sarcasm, but you put it there firs and meant it.

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Read the very first response by LouC, formerly known as “I’m a conservative” LouC.

There were no racists in Louisiana, or anywhere else, under Obama.