Medicare for all would save 68k lives and 450B a year

So medical professionals know the cluster fox trot that would result when the goobermint manages the collection of tax revenue, accounting and qualifying millions of Americans for their managed health care?
Although the VA has cleaned up its act recently and there is plenty of room for improvements, stroll on down to your local VA Medical Center and take notes. Now multiply those shortcomings by a thousand.
I’m retired and on Medicare. 20% of doctor bills, dental, vision, hearing and prescriptions is an out of pocket expense in the form of supplemental coverages. Haven’t heard any of the blowhards that are hustling “Medicare for all” address those expenses. Wot, they gonna pass it to see what’s in it again?

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That’s funny putting the word hard work in the same sentence as Medicare for all.
Why not tell these people to get better jobs. Employment is booming. Medicare is intended for those at a certain age and over. Let them have the medicare while the rest of us work. Obamacare raised deductibles and copays. Some prescription meds are now out of pocket. Your god obama screwed the middle class

No you won’t.

Don’t here either. I can get 3 boxes for that at Walgreen’s without a cupin.

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No, it won’t.

They as real as almost all of the litany of complaints we read lodged against Barack Obama here.

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I don’t remember Bush helping with prescriptions. In fact, Medicare part D was also a huge debacle. Maybe the Federal government shouldn’t be getting into the middle of stuff they have no delegated power to meddle with in the first place? There’s a thought.

VA care gets higher satisfaction ratings than private care.

Sure and who rates them exactly? That wouldn’t be government employees would it? Honest question.

As of when?

Kinda like sex/gender for you guys.

No worries. We’ll simply print more money and tax ourselves into prosperity to pay for it. That always works.

Apples and oranges since those systems have been in place in those countries for decades. Also those countries that you like to cite have much smaller populations than the US; we are the 3rd most populated country in the world behind only China and India. Managing larger numbers absolutely has more challenges than smaller numbers. Furthermore, none of those countries have no where near the border issues that we do and they all have very strict immigration laws that they actually enforce. Tell me what Bernie would do if the numbers of illegals crossing the border skyrockets again to over 1 million a year? Medicare for all the world is going to be a lot more expensive than Medicare for just the current number of Americans.

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I presume the surveys are of those who use the VA system are veterans.

We’ve been through this before. Some people will get the hell taxed out of them in tax increases whereas the never do wells(who contribute little or nothing) will make out like bandits.

The huge tax increases for some will far out way any sort of “savings” on insurance payments.

Somebody had a chart in here the other day saying most of the countries with single payer paid between 55 and 65 percent in income taxes.

That would be a hell of an increase for most of us.


He wants to screw things up for all of us. I don’t get it.

Can you name any of those countries?

This argument is made by people who don’t understand math.

There is no world where people in a country like Denmark, where healthcare expenditures are $5,300 per capita, carry a heavier financial burden (whether through taxes or out of pocket) due to healthcare costs than we do in the US where healthcare expenditures are $11,000 per capita.

A citizen of Denmark who pays that $5,300 all via taxes does not carry a heavier financial burden than a US citizen who pays $11,000 in premiums. Taxes don’t all of a sudden make money worth more.

Income taxes in Denmark are about 60 percent according to the internet whereas mine are in the 20 to 25 percent range i believe.

Tell me again how i would save money on healthcare???

Plus i believe the 11000 dollar “average” premiums to be off as well.

I pay in the 4 to 5 thousand a year range and have for decades.

Math was my favorite subject in school and the math tells me i would get screwed royally with a Denmark style single payer along with the higher taxes that go with it.

I have to call BS on the OP headline for this thread.


Some people believe the earth is flat. That’s the per capita healthcare expenditures. I used that for simplicity. Premiums, on the other hand, average almost $20,000 for a family per enrolled employee [1].

Using Denmark’s tax rate is irrelevant unless you’re compared the portion that is specifically for healthcare and comparing that to total healthcare costs out of pocket in the US. That’s why it’s apples-to-apples to use healthcare expenditures per capita.
