Median death age from virus is 78 years old -does that fact surprise you?

Well, that’s certainly an objective article. Thanks for sharing.

It’s easy to query it? There are many articles to choose from. I just grabbed the first two…and you’re welcome.

Believe me was not minimizing the damage being done by this virus. It is clear to most how contagious it spreads to all ages too.

Better comparison than cancer here for virus as it relates to spread is probably flu and the common cold. Those like the virus not only widely impact the young; but the recovery for these age groups is fairly comparable and highly expected.

Yet those diagnosed younger with cancer the impact and its treatment more often lead to lingering issues, permanent damage and subsequent recurring instances too.

If only more comparisons on the plus side - particularly of the young for cancer vs this virus were being reported going forward in would go a long way to educate people.

I, for one, also predict many will feel uplifted with success stories in recovering and that the worse of covid-19 is likely behind us…

How about the rest of you?

The last line from the Newsweek article:

Even Suarez, who is a registered Republican, said “there is no doubt” that the re-opening of businesses was the primary factor behind the new case spike.

So you were saying?

Oh…an opposing opinion…in the same article…and which do you eat…and regurgibleet? :sunglasses:

I am not sure why you are focused on cancer? Most agree it’s terrible and needs funding. We can care about cancer and also focus on Covid.

We have a newly emergent disease that is wrecking havoc on our population, including the younger populations. Permanent lung damage is just one of the side effects. I Lifelong Lung Damage: A Serious COVID-19 Complication personally know someone who will be on a vent for the rest of his life.

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@toreyj01 assuming this information is correct and the median age of fatalities is rising, to what can we attribute this change? What are we doing differently?

Here is a more recent article on one person’s opinion on six reasons why median age of fatalities for covid-19 are falling.

They can’t in NY since Cuomo granted the NH’s immunity.

It doesn’t take much research, young people think they are invincible and reject authority by nature.

We are attacking COVID on multiple fronts, we have learned a lot in a short time. For instance, instead of attacking the virus directly (like with Remdesivir) we can also attack the immune response it provokes. That means things like steroids and histamine blockers.

Steroids are great for inpatient admissions, while Zrtec and Pepcid have shown some promise in outpatient settings. Zrtec blocks H1 receptors while Pepcid blocks H2 receptors, both are involved in the cytokine storm which can shut down a patient’s lungs not due to infection, but inflammation. Melatonin reduces inflammation and vessel permeability as well, it has been used for ages to reduce rates of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS, and it seems to work well in COVID too.

Plus, Prone positioning has been a godsend for keeping inpatients off of vents as well, but it is very labor intensive.

We knew none of this months ago.

Who doesn’t survive at this point, despite all of these advances, are those who are too compromised to survive the insult, namely the elderly.


Great gouge, thanks.

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No problem, Sneaky.

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It would be interesting to see how many of these elderly who died were in assisted living or nursing homes, as compared to the elderly still living independently. The basis for suspecting it might be the case is that people in nursing would be more likely to have other health issues going, and be in overall worse shape regardless of the virus.
If that turned out to be true, then yes, it might be possible to better protect that subset of elderly by being careful in who enters the nursing homes and, oh yes, not sending people with coronavirus to nursing homes (not that it should need to be said).
And…elderly who live by themselves or with a spouse can indeed practice more social distancing than a young couple who would feel less threatened.

I saw 6,000 being thrown around NY yesterday.

The current life expectancy in the US is 78.5

Lets be real

Median is the 50/50 point. Not even a majority are over 78 much less a vast majority. Deaths skew to the older for sure, but half are under 78. Would be interesting to see the age ranges of the quartiles.

But the folks at or over 78 are only 20 percent of the population, thus they are more than twice at risk for COVID.

Bill Maher dared to speak up about the obesity issue. Obesity is a major co morbidity. The USA population has 42% obesity rate.
The younger couple, (in their 50’s) highlighted on CNN recently, both were obese. Left behind a 17 yr old son.