Media Gives Biden the Kiss of Death

“making sesnse” is becoming less of a priority around here lately

Evidence that liberals are steadily taking over the place. :wink:

I’ve lurked at places where liberals aren’t allowed. You may even know of some. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nope, never have.

But I believe that you lurked … like a dog in the under the front stoop waiting for a passing ankle. :wink:


Why did you feel the need to refer to me as a dog, sir founder?

Well, tonight’s debate was Night of the Living Dead Biden.
He would have been better to not show up.

Next up, “Weekend at Bernie’s”

I didn’t mean to, sorry. I inadvertently left out the word “like.”

Besides … I love dogs. Don’t you?

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let’s pretend that you didn’t do what you did. It’s all good.

The Media doesn’t have the clout or credibility to give anyone the kiss of death anymore.

Is that an acceptance of my apology? I’d hate to think you are still miffed.

people of character apologize, as you have

and people of character accept them. so any second now…

it’s an odd sort of perverse dynamic they created, the idiot leftist media.

they think they are put here by god on a mission to shape politics nowadays. they are obviously thinking they need to pick their favorite candidate. it doesnt seem to be biden but who knows they may have agreed to make it look like they give a spark of a damn about the truth for once, then forget it in a flash unlike they do with anything with republicans meaningful or not

heaven forbid we find out what’s really what

That has nothing to do with it at all. It’s the transformation from legacy media to social media that has negated the relic known as the kiss of death.

Nope. People are on to the media and their credibility is in the toilet.

So far all the President really needs to do is wait until the socialists finish the last circle fire then debate the last one standing?

They’ve been taking over.

Really? It seems like CNN didn’t challenge good Old Joe when he lied now did they?

Joe openly lied…it did happen under Joe watch. Unless of course the entire Russian hack was fake?

Funny that the media reports on the Trump admin were so accurate that Trump said the leaks had to be stopped. You don’t stop inaccurate links, do you? :+1:

That’s just Joe being Joe. He has routinely and overtly lied throughout his political career.

Once again their reps are in the toilet. Nobody believes them except for the hard left.