Media bias? Naaa The arrest of Devon Archer

I stopped reading when I heard Burisma wanted the prosecutor fired.The IMF,the EU.the UK wanted him fired,were they all doing it for Biden?

The prosecutor was a corrupt Russian puppet.

"Put simply, the chronology doesn’t work – the investigation into Burisma, where Hunter worked, was dormant by the time Shokin was pushed out. It would also represent a major historical anomaly. During Shokin’s 13 months in office, not one major figure was convicted. No oligarch. No politician. No ranking bureaucrat. It would appear unlikely he was in the middle of breaking the habit with the Bidens. "


Late 2006, Biden wasn’t VP.

And if one wants Biden investigated, Bloated Bill Barr has the authority to do just that. What’s he waiting for?
Why did Trump wait til 2019, when Biden was the front-runner, to start bringing this all up? Why didn’t he ask the DOJ to start investigating in 2017, at the same time Hillary was being jailed?


Look, Joe told us he knew nothing about Burisma.

Wait, who’s this?

Oh that’s just Biden golfing with Hunter and Devon Archer.

Defraud the Noble Red Man? That’s 1,000 times worse than defrauding pale faces. Hang him!

He’s running for office now. You guys have no problem parading out crazy women who claim Trump raped them 30 years ago in Berghdorr’s Department store or Kavanaugh at a party they can’t even put him in the house.


I love this tactic of trying to draw parallels between politicians to give the impression that everyone is crooked so it is okay to defend the President.

I guess that this is for some a good distraction that the President’s former lawyer is in jail and his current lawyer is in legal jeopardy but has said publicly that all of the laws that he has broken was at the direction of his client.

Go ahead and investigate Hunter Biden. Investigate Joe Biden. There are legal ways to do these things.

Even if the President is 100% correct… which he isn’t because the basis for everything comes out of a 4chan fever dream… it does not in any way excuse his actions of abusing his office for personal political gain.


Well that a good thing for you as if it was not you would not be posting 1/2 things in this thread

That he was doing it for personal gain and not for legitimate purpose is going to come down to whether there is reasonable suspicion of illegality. Which is why this won’t go beyond the quasi-inquiry stage as long as Biden is the front runner.

It because the people doing this are partisan hacks and love their side so much they think others are just as idiotic as they are. I know Biden is corrupt that is given as he is a typical 3rd way Dem. But these people brains only can function in a simple binary fashion. So if you say Trump is doing corrupt things then you must love Biden, there fore they post threads trying to tell you how Biden is corrupt so to protect Biden you and I should ignore Trump’s corruption to protect Biden. Because it is what they would/are doing.


Biden is not the front runner.

People are right now starting to go to jail over this.

What do you think about the illegality of it?

You don’t get to dictate how someone posts on this forum.

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There was no abuse of office for persoal gain in asking the President to take another look at the investigation.

There absolutely was an abuse of office for personal gain in blackmailing the president to fire the prosecutor looking into Burisma.

You have the right accusations but clearly the wrong target.

Running for the nomination does not excuse one from being investigated particularly when you admit, and brag about the abuse of office and corruption you commit publicly.

Oh really. Then detail out for us everything I have stated that isn’t true one by one.

Illegality or not there was a clear successful attempt at bribery and coercion and an absolute conflict of interest.

Even if everything Biden did was lawful under US law the conflict of interest was clear and inexcusable.

Liberal Fake News(ABC, CBS, NBC) bosses are the Democrat Politicians. They will do and say anything that their Masters tell them to.

No matter how stupid, illogical, evil, and immoral it is.

You have those two things opposite.

The only reason President Trump pushed for an investigation Into Hunter Biden was to help his chances in the 2020 election.

You see… if the investigation started domestically then he couldn’t talk about it… but a foreign nation can talk about it all day long

Vice President Biden was carrying out the official business of the United States which also fell in line with the entire Western World in calling for Shokin to be fired.

Seriously. Spending about two minutes
Understanding this will show anyone that Shokin was super dirty and getting rid of him out more pressure on Burisma not lessen it.

You have absolutely no evidence to support that claim and Uncle Joe isn’t even the nominee nor is he likely to be.

This entire thing began with Joe running off at the mouth bragging about his successful blackmailing of the Ukrainian president.

You are going to be very disappointed in the coming weeks.