Meanwhile radical lib extremist

$40,000 per year over five years to read books to children.

The monsters.

Even if the controversy has subsided by then, that won’t be what kills democrats.

What is going to kill democrats this year are fuel costs and necessity inflation.

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$40,000 a year to propagandize innocent grade school children who leave government schools without learning reading, writing, math and history . . .

Wait. They are reading books to them.

How can you say that they aren’t learning reading?

Like you said, they are having books read to them. They are not learning how to read books.

But hey, I see you are very comfortable with NYC wage earners having their paycheck confiscated by their democrat party leadership to finance sexual deviant propaganda.

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Don’t you remember having a book read to you?

Are you a doctor? How do you know what a man is?

I can honestly say I have never had a book read to me by a drag queen, and I turned out O.K.


Drag queens are male, not men.

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Since you aren’t a parent, denial is probably easier.

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Watch the soccer moms.


Odd that you have to explain it to him.

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One does not learn to read by listening to a male in a dress read.

Parents know this.


I don’t. They know better.

Not everything under the sun fits in your narrow definition.

John Wayne was just as much as myth as a drag queen is.

Still trying to defend the indefensible I see.


Today’s Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, Politico, Snopes, Fact Check… ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries ___ make Russia’s old Pravda, [an organ of the old Communist Party of the Soviet Union] look like propaganda amateurs.

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Yepp. Even the fuel efficient minivans and compact crossovers aren’t cutting it anymore with these prices.

Give it another two dollars per gallon and everyone is going to be riding 250cc motorcycles.

Streets of American cities are going to look like Saigon.

Well this thread has taken an interesting turn.

Meanwhile the legacy media has after some coverage last week virtually ignored the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice.

“ Most major media outlets covered news of the arrest as it was breaking Wednesday morning, but coverage eventually dropped off later in the week.
By Sunday, several conservative pundits and Republicans were tweeting outrage about how the focus from media outlets had shifted away from what they characterized as an assassination attempt.
“The mainstream media mob spent all week promoting tonight’s hearing, but largely ignored Biden’s continuing crises and the attempted assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh,” said Fox News pundit Sean Hannity…”

“ “BTW… Biden still hasn’t mentioned the assassination attempt against Justice Kavanaugh,” Washington Times columnist Tim Young wrote on Twitter Sunday. The White House issued a statement condemning the threat to Kavanaugh shortly after the news was reported.
“Did anyone talk about the assassination attempt on Justice Kavanaugh at last night’s hearing?” asked Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) in a tweet on Friday morning.”

No one has been arrested in front of our justices homes in violation of the law.

Pretty sad response all in all.


Reading books to children is a bad thing now?

Seriously going off the rails.

Over the school stuff.