Meanwhile radical lib extremist

It comes off as sarcasm.

They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., the people are disarmed and suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large on the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.


Indeed…that’s why I made it clear long time ago…when I use the word lib it means fake liberals. They are hiding behind liberalism to disguise their authoritarianism.

American people…they are not who they claim. I knew that back when I use to party with hippies. They talk about freedom and criticizing people in power for being authoritarian but in same breath they want to impose their will. I use to call em out back then for being hypocrites. Of course they denied it back then. But look who they are now? They’re almost in par with CCP,


If that’s intended to be sarcasm then …

I don’t know how to say this politely…

That’s sick.

You don’t use judges kids as pawns in a ploy to influence judges decisions.

You might want to get yourself checked.

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Hey, did you see the latest?

It is absolutely stunning how the sexual deviant crowd is given a green light in government schools to manipulate innocent and impressionable grade school children to accept their “lifestyle”.


Oh no… $200,000 spent over five years to read books to children.

The monsters.

No, that’s $200k for drag queens; in addition to…

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I certainly would never condone using children as pawns in a political struggle but it can’t be ignored that the Left has done that very thing for years, even to the extent of going to a judges home when only one of his children was there and terrorizing him.

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Allowing our sexual deviant crowd to manipulate innocent and impressionable grade school children to accept their “lifestyle” is the monster.



I lived Jerry Lewis movies as a kid.


My family didn’t have a tv or a phone. And children were not propagandized in government schools by the then existing sexual deviant crowd as then now are.

Do you always just make things up or is it just an occasional pastime?

And then what happened?

Why do sexual weirdos need to indoctrinate children into failed men lifestyle?

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Drag is a “lifestyle”

It’s drag… it has been around forever.

We need to indoctrinate boys to be men…not some sexual freak.


Drag is not going to indoctrinate any boy to not be a man.

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Irrelevant to what happened afterwards.

In any event, sexual deviant performers are paid to perform in NYC school!

See; More than $200,000 spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools: Report


It’s not really.

You see this performance was the work of the head of the local PTA who was the performer… he thought it would be funny. He did this without telling anyone. It was not the official policy of the school and he stepped down from his position after this.

So instead of being the big conspiracy where the schools are indoctrination camps for children… when someone actually looks into the story you see that it was one person… doing a dumb thing and having consequences.

It is kind of the opposite that you are promoting it as.

What happened after that particular performance is irrelevant to the following:

More than $200,000 spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools: Report