Meanwhile on another note Trump may be sending more troops

Border Patrol, ICE, National Guard and our Troops deserve your gratitude.

My solution completely avoid the conflict and is peaceful resolution.

Imagine that. A department dedicated to HOMELAND security making Homeland security their priority.

What do you consider the homeland?

We have plenty of Americans in need of housing. Why isn’t that a higher priority?

Ask Ben Carson that is legit his job.

honest 100% serious question.

Do you think our military would not shoot anyone who willfully and illegally tries to invade our border?

No, you don’t have to use deadly force. You just need to convey you are deadly serious about not crossing the border illegally.

Shooting unarmed person is capital murder punishable by death.

so your going to force the military to shoot unarmed woman and children?

“We’re going to have tents, they’re going to be very nice and they’re going to wait and if they don’t get asylum, they get out,” the president said."

He’s handling it exactly the correct way. Another success coming up. And Democrats hate him for it.

That’s great CJ. Often times avoidance only leads to further conflict because boundaries (borders) are a grey area. But, hey. There are plenty of people out there who want to claim their hands are clean because they avoided an issue and let others do what they are not capable of. Which is why we have a military force. Even Canada does.

Which is why I said the President will cave and allow the caravan into the U.S to be housed in tent cities.

The military doesn’t exist to point their guns at unarmed woman and children.

Actually, that is true and should be punishable.

No. What our military should be doing is capturing, detaining and supporting the Border Patrol.

He always said he liked spending other people’s money.

Okay, I’m bookmarking this post so that when the big, bad “invaders” :wink: ask for political asylum (and we get pics of them in line) I can show you that you got suckered by the Trump yet again.

Be patient.

The law is clear.

Under your plan they will roam freely for X years. Like under Obama.