Meanwhile I would love to hear who those conspiracy are

It’s not a conspiracy theory. It is an understanding of how propaganda and the law work.

There are no witnesses and no video of fraud, because there was no fraud anything remotely resembling such a thing.

It is a fever dream.

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Sometimes divorce is the right choice. Donald has not been faithful. You can leave him now.

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It is a conspiracy theory. Just like the election fraud claims.

Just like Trump starting the Capitol riots.

I was never married to him; I’ve never been married, actually.

I’m smart enough to know the back-handed insult you’re insinuating. And let me tell you, I do feel some empathy and pity for Trump because he has been dragged through the mud constantly for four years, but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with him and want to marry him- plus I’m not a homewrecker. I would never do that to Melania.

I am, however, anti-Communist and anti-socialist. Anti-Fa can consider me as certainly not a friend.

I submit that even a man as deeply disliked as Ted Cruz would have prevailed against Joe Biden, because while he has dabbled in some truly stupid shenanigans to appease the Trump base, he would not have sabotaged himself as catastrophically as Donald Trump has done.

It’s not an insult. It’s a turn of phrase. Here’s another one: Trump is a bad bet. You can stop moving the chips to his marker. No one is going to hold it against you.

It’s a phrase that implied I was defending him so much, that I’m an obsessive fangirl.

Please stop with the fake ignorance.

Did I say that?

But thanks for admitting Trump’s claims were unsubstantiated.


Nope. You are free to narrate as you please. You are not at liberty to pretend I mean something else just so you can nurse your grievances.

I know your mind games.

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Yes. I believe it was one of the left, as they are usually the ones who flock to the site. Conservatives have all but left.

Is it…let’s do thorough investigation.

No True Magan

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He’s both nefarious and a master plotter of Dr. Evil proportions.

Concerning your final sentence:
People can be two things. :blush:

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That Trump incited the riot? No it isn’t. Anybody with eyes can see where this was headed. What’s the standard?

He did not start it, he incited it. Might want to look up “incite”.

It’s an analogy.

Antifa is neither.