Meals in Public Schools - Centgov and the USDA

If you are trying to get rid of obesity, you need to start by following the AMA, and decades of common sense medical advice by cutting calorie intake. Since schools only serve one or two meals a day, this needs to happen at the parental level, and letting your kids get obese needs to be recognized as plain old child abuse and neglect. I’m talking about being a couple of pounds overweight here, we need to realize round is not a shape!

What schools can do to help with this has nothing to do with food, and a lot to do with bringing back good old fashioned physical education classes. The burning off of calories is the other half of the weight loss formula I’ve used to pare my ass down to like 10% body fat (yes, I’m ripped and anyone who wants to check can DM me for a public meeting where I can show up in speedos for your sicko pleasure).

This centgov dictating of what goes in school lunches beyond portion size needs to stop. Just limit the calories to 800 per meal and be done with it.

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Animal rights activists would lose their minds if our schools served veal.

Umm no, they tried that during the Obama thing. Some of those school lunch eaters are athletes, you are trying to put the whole school on a sedentary diet. Look up what Michael Phelps would eat during the olympics.

  1. Obama was doing a helluva lot more than that (see whole wheat pasta for details). I don’t even care if they put hostess twinkies in the lunch, just limit the freaking portions. People with special dietary needs can pack their own lunch.

  2. Since you love Michael Phelps so much there is two things you need to understand about him:

a. He never ate more than 3,000 calories in a day.

b. He ate most of his food at breakfast. Why can’t HS football players eat big breakfasts at home as well, and not bankrupt the school system to prepare for a big game?

We don’t need schools to be feeding football teams. Just an average lunch for your average kid is all that is necessary. If you need more food, you can buy a second lunch, or just eat more food at home during breakfast and dinner. What a concept!

That’s not true.

There you go with the Crittin’. Good thing you aren’t a teacher in Florida, you could get int some serious trouble.

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Yes it is. Don’t believe the hype.

You need to go watch the series ‘Fit to Fat to Fit’ over on Youtube (season one was released there) and see what happens in real life when you do that. It’s actually pretty…eye opening that is.

You are the one believing hype. I myself when racing bicycles ate more then 6000 Cal a day.

I am sure the Olympic committee want Americans to get fat.:roll_eyes:

You won’t get an argument from me that the average person doesn’t need much more then 2k CA. But you are very uninformed what world class athletes eat or even good weekend warriors athletes. Saying you are ripped because of your diet is not proof of how they eat.

Reducing foods with added sugar like junky cereals and chocolate milk is a start, but when they say “more whole grains” I don’t think they are sincere. It’s all sugar when it hits the bloodstream. Then I see they are proposing more low-fat and skim milk options, keeping up the lie that fat is bad. This seems like a light version of what Michelle Obama did to school lunches.

That I agree with.

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Brain washing in 1869…Interesting.

Wikipedia is uncensored?

Also interesting.

I’ll just leave this here as a caveat.

The watermelon propaganda entry seems genuine.


Your body has everything it needs to create either ketones or glucose from fat.

Your body has everything it needs to create glucose from protein.

Carbs are entirely optional in the human diet. They are also the least efficient form of energy.

Incredibly, this isn’t well known information, because most of the “science” is being conducted by the salesmen.


Not only is it not well-known, but the “calorie bruhs” on social media and YouTube will argue to the death that carbs are essential.


Those are the types of people who appeal to authority, and stop when they find it, never questioning anything. I weep for my species.

The type of calories matters so much more than the amount of calories too.

Storing a pound of androgenously modified fat because you ate two pounds of Twinkies is bad in all sorts of ways (empty calories).

Storing a pound of fat because you ate a pound of animal fat with your meal is great because it comes with vitamins A,D,E,K etc., along with carotenoids, minerals, etc. (non-empty calories).


And then there’s this…


I have not given much consideration to whether the central management at Wiki is biased (like facebook etc…) Long ago t became clear to me that

  • Wiki is open-edited, and
  • The community of contributing editors is like a social club for college liberal activists.

You know, ya go to honky tonk you see one subgroup, you go to a rave you see another etc… The wiki-editing subculture is that of university liberals.

I still use it, but I use it the way I would use the Village Voice or HuffPo or MSNBC


They will serve Pop Tarts for breakfast just because it says made with whole grain on the label.

I’m not joking. That is one of the breakfast foods given along with Trix and Lucky Charms cereal in individual little plastic containers.

Don’t worry, they through an apple in there to round it out. :roll_eyes:

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Cannot serve Poptarts … kids might nibble them into the shape of a gun.



Nevertheless, they do. Last week as a matter of fact. Since they are allowed to put them on a share table if they don’t want them, and others are allowed to pick from the share table, that means some kids are eating 4 or more of them at a time.

Gotta love how govt thinks.

Earlier I mentioned double CFS and mash potatoes meals as my high school favorite.

What I didn’t mention is what happened one day as I sat down in my usual spot at the table just to the right past the doors as you left the lunch line.

The chair I was sitting into collapsed … total wet taco … and my still in hand lunch with aaaaall that gravy was sent flying at those leaving the lunch line.

Guess who just happened to be the ones walking past on that particular pre Pep Rally Friday?

Yes, Cheerleaders in uniform. Who else would it be?

They were a scootch upset with me, I was upset about the food, and if that had happened these days I might have been charged with terrorism or a hate crime of some such.