Meadows flips in J6 case! This is big

Michael Cohen just testified against trump, telling the judge where the bodies were buried.

Manafort, of course, had multiple contacts with russians, including handing them polling data, lied to the FBI about those contacts, and failed to register as an agent of a foreign government. He went to jail.


…for money laundering and tax fraud that had gone on long before he was involved in Trumps campaign…and similar to the actions of Hunter for whom government agencies have been stonewalling any investigation.

There, finished it for you.


You forgot his second trial.

From his wiki:

Manafort pleaded guilty to two charges: conspiracy to defraud the United States and witness tampering.[10][11][12] He also admitted to most other charges against him, both in DC and those for which there was a hung jury at his first trial in Virginia;

Defrauding the United States and conspiracy was tax fraud.
Remember when getting Manafort was really big news because he was going to spill all the stuff he knew about Trump to Mueller?

“Manafort’s decision to cooperate with Mueller comes just weeks after President Donald Trump called Manafort a “brave man” who would not “make up stories in order to get a ‘deal’” after he was convicted in a separate trial in Virginia.
He also admitted to all the other crimes Mueller accused him of since last October – from money laundering and bank fraud to foreign lobbying violations related to his work for pro-Russian Ukrainians. Those charges will be dropped if he completely complies with the cooperation agreement.”

But Trump promised him a way out, a pardon. Trump Pardons Roger Stone, Paul Manafort And Charles Kushner : NPR

He can’t do that anymore.

It’s weird how you speak so pridefully of a man who plead guilty to lobbying for pro-russian ukrainians and who lied to the FBI and who tampered with witnesses.

Oh, and also who had multiple contacts with russians as they helped trump with the election.

Quite a hero you have there.


Hillary Clinton says hi!

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Quite a fantasy you have there about someone I just called a tax thief and money launderer, and even compared to Hunter.

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What’s it take?

To let go of Trump? Ive learned long ago that literally nothing can do it.

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Now you are telling made up leftist fake news. The Russians did not help trump get elected. They meddled in the election. Even the DOJ who you love stated that there was no proof that what the Russians did changed one vote.

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If he’d just ■■■■ and go away, I would be fine.

But- would you vote for him under any circumstances?

Manafort? Are you making a joke?

AH no sorry. I am behind. I thought we were talking abut Trump, who is also a tax thief and money launderer,

And in so doing, helped Trump get elected.

Now you are telling things that are not true. But democrats have never been know to tell the truth.
Still crying because your queen lost I see.

Biden made all these lawyers cop plea deals with promises to testify against the rest of the criminal enterprise and Biden made Mark Meadows seek immunity in exchange for testifying against Crooked Donald and Biden made Crooked Donald cry about stollen election for the last 3 years so that Donald would get 4 indictments with 91 criminal charges.

Biden did that.



Sticking with debunked fake news.

Very sad.

Meanwhile they have no interest in the compromised Big Guy or bagman Hunter.

this is going to be fun.