Meadows flips in J6 case! This is big

Mark Meadows testified before a grand jury that he told former President Donald Trump that his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election were “baseless,” but they still tried to overturn the election, according to ABC News.

“Meadows told prosecutors he he agreed the 2020 election was the most secure in American history and that he repeatedly told Trump in the weeks after the election that the allegations of significant voting fraud coming to them were turning out to be baseless.”

What’s a zillion times zero? Y’all are being fed the zillion while the zero in the equation is being ignored…
…as usual.

I would worry more about lies coming the radical left-wing extremist that’s in your party.

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Looking forward to the Trump social media takedown in 5…4…3…

Why big? We already know about everyone of his aides told him he lost. He decided to go with Giuliani instead.

What the pugs have failed to realize is that we are beyond “political” we are in the criminal arena.

Three of his lawyers have plead guilty and now the chief of staff to former President Trump has received immunity.

The delusions are crashing against the wall of reality.

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It’s big because Meadows went along with the fake elector scheme even though he knew that Trump lost.

And it confirms that he is UnAmerican Scum.


You are correct. When one person has been spied on by the FBI, investigated, impeached…twice…all failing leaving Trump still innocent but now indicted in four different parts of the country…the undeniable conclusion is that our government is being weaponized for political purposes. “We” are definitely now in a criminal arena.


You are in for a tough six months maybe more…


Dominoes in J6, NY Atlanta, Documents. Watch them fall.

My man…I’ve taken the tough road all of my life. What’s another 6 months…

Republicans have realized it for quite a while. Have these people not heard the phrases “weaponization of the justice system” and “criminalization of politics” being used? That is one of the issues in the 2024 campaign. Our fall into third world governing.


What else can they run on runaway inflation or Biden falling down or forgetting how to navigate off a stage? If the lead opposition is not locked up they simply lose.


I guess some don’t realize yet that guilt or innocence is determined at trial stage - not the indictment stage.

That may take some time. He’s likely still redecorating the walls of his residence with ketchup


That’s the spirit.

I know you want to believe! I get it in your mind there are all these evil forces that have been turned against your favorite one term President.

Since he is “just like you” it feels like the government is turned against you.

But the reality is Trump is in deep and it’s because of his own doing.

No one else.

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Absolutely. They were at the point of conceding the election a year and a half ahead of time or doing something to interfere with that election. The indictments are their Hail Mary pass.

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Three of his lawyers have plead guilty and now his chief of staff granted immunity.

Wake up.



Biden said clearly he was going to do this.

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Meadows knew his only shot was to get the Georgia case moved under federal.

He gambled and lost, so now he is going with plan B to save his own skin.

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