McConnell and Co SCOTUS hypocrisy confirmed

And just for clarity, what Biden called for in the speech was to not nominate a replacement during the weeks between the party conventions and the election and that votes for a SCOTUS replacement take place after the election in November.

He did not call for a vacancy to be left open for over a year based on who the nominating president was.

There, there, there my friend…d’ya “feeeeeel” better? OMG! Thanks…I needed that. :sunglasses:

No, no, no…this surely MUST…be different? :sunglasses:

I have a dream…

I thought you’d have cheered up by now? Guess not…:sunglasses:

Cons be cons. Absolutely no principles.

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DraIN tHe sWaMP

Yes…and Democrats feel the same way about Republicans. They block vote against Republican nominees and the only reason they don’t block them successfully is because there aren’t enough of them.

One word: Kavanaugh

What McConnell did and said he will do is something new. You play the “both sides do it” game then run cover for the GOP 24/7

So you disagree with McConnell. I guess you’re OK in my book.

Kavanaugh got his vote. When you have to imagine “what if” scenarios then you don’t have evidence on your side.


Sure I do. It was lopsided against by Democrats. Obviously, more Democrats and Trump would not have a nominee accepted.

History will not be kind to him and Republicans at large. It will be a pleasure to see that.

That is a deliberate falsehood.

It shouldn’t be a dream, it should be a fact.

A very spurious argument as there was a hearing and a vote on Trump’s nomination.

Agreed and glad you now understand how important that is.

It is a FACT in Australia now.

It’s a shame you expect your judges to be politicians too. Hopefully one day, they’ll set the bar higher?

We have had Federal politicians appointed to the High Court of Australia from both sides of politics. The general consensus of our High Court judges are that they are apolitical.