Mayor of Wall Street

Waldorf-Astoria and Towers
New York City, New York
Every U.S. president since herbert Hoover has stayed here, and Obama is no exception. He appropriately stayed in the four-bedroom Presidential Suite, which costs $7,000 a night (which, believe it or not, isn’t much compared to the cost of these presidential suites). See Oyster’s review and photos of this hotel.


Thats not the problem thst is being discussed in this thread.

I have stayed in some of the best suites in some of the most desirable locations across the world and never even approached 650 a night.

Either you are getting ripped off, being disingenuous, or conflating resort packages and/or rentals that are meant for families.

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You are now using the room the President himself stayed in to justify Trump forcing every person that travels with him to help him profit at obscene rates :man_facepalming:

You will see I never mentioned what Trump and his family paid…:

go to London, paris, Tokyo or rome and see what a hotel cost.

Obama paid 7k per night at Waldorf astoria

Already have. My post stands :call_me_hand:

So now we all have stayed in the best room in the Waldorf Astoria :man_facepalming:

Libs are looking more and more like they’re coming to grips with the fact that President Trump is gonna be around for another 5 years.

actually Obama stayed there. not I

Stop and think for two seconds next time, Dems… :rofl:

You are flailing.


sorry you live on a tight budget, I do not. Maybe you should work harder and stop hating

Tight budget… lol; I just don’t get ripped off :rofl:

if you are willing to pay then it is not getting ripped off it is a voluntary exchange