Maxine Waters is the new Chair of the House Financial Services Committee

another good lord.

I am not demonizing liberals as wicked, you are.

by using the term ‘mental disorder’ (which you used, I did not)

there is no mental disorder called “liberalism”

if there is please provide a link so that the forum can get a good laugh.



Give? You are not given anything. you earn it.

Maxine earned her spot.

Lee’s on the following committees already. (of course you knew this already, being from Texas and all)

Committee on Homeland Security
Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence
Subcommittee on Transportation Security (Ranking Member)
Committee on the Judiciary
Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security
Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement

Allan (facts over hype)

Maxine Walters hasn’t done anything in Congress except push a liberal progressive agenda and threaten and bully republicans. Shes a national disgrace.

Your opinion doesn’t seem particularly well informed. If you only listen to the demagogues, that may be the conclusion you’d reach but if you actually talk to the people who know anything, you get a totally different story.

Making deals with the devil will get you burned.

In the bottom of the fourth paragraph in the article you posted, the article said “she’ll keep her word”.

If that is true, that she’ll keep her word, When do the impeachment proceedings start?

Chair Allan. She gets a chair.

How did Maxine “earn” it?

So Trump earned the Presidency?

She’s behaved well on supervised furloughs.

No, Trump was elected president once

Maxine earned her chairpersonship by senority (you know getting elected multiple times)


So Maxine didn’t earn it until…

the dems took over the house. the last time (back in 2008 congress–the last time the dems had the house) she didnt have enough seniority to earn it.


Ah, ok, if you say so.

Its not my say so but a stone hard fact.

its how you earn you chairpersonship.

majority of the house + seniority.



Ok, if you say so.

Does she live in her district?

is that a requirement to run and win,

My brand spanking new congressman elect lives in Princeton. which is miles away from my district, yet he ran and won.

and yes Lance uttered the C-word to no avail.


Is she in charge of impeachment proceedings?


nope , not on my say so.

I use facts not opinions.


In 2004 Fannie and Freddie were losing market share in the subprime market to the private mortgage backed security funds.

So at that moment, she wasn’t wrong.

I see that a lot here. If someone does not want to admit they are wrong they say “if you say so”, thus not admitting to any error on their part or disagreeing with your fact.