Maxine Waters is the new Chair of the House Financial Services Committee

Constantly insulting and wanting to impeach the President, telling her followers to get in the faces of Republicans.
Yes, with a Republican Senate and with President Trump, she is certain to be effective in getting her desired banking and finance reforms enacted into law. Good choice, Democrats.

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Maxine Waters: ā€œGod Is On Our Side,ā€ If You See A Member Of Trump Cabinet, ā€œPush Backā€


"Posted By Tim Hains
On Date June 25, 2018

Rep. Maxine Waters claimed the favor of the Almighty during a speech at a Capitol Hill ā€œKeep Families Togetherā€ rally on Saturday. She said cabinet members and highly visible Trump enablers should expect harassment at restaurants, gas stations, shopping places, and even their homes until they change their immigration policy. Several have already been confronted at public places."

Well thatā€™s as stupid as making Donald Trump president.

It is a blessing isnā€™t it, you now have Pelosi as speaker who even the left hates rocking a 23% approval rating as well as Maxine Waters who was named one of the most corrupt members of congress going into 2020.

Hey did you not vote for Trump so now you call him a clown?

yea, he proved that in 2016.

No, I didnā€™t vote for Trump because he is a clownā€¦been saying so since he first announced.

It was American people that gave her power, not THE American people. Some of us donā€™t like ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  and wouldnā€™t purposely worsen the current ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  by packing the car with more clowns.

Well you know, stocking the mob into confronting people they have been demonizing from day oneā€¦or as some like to say, telling them to be rudeā€¦is a sure fire way of bettering the situation, claiming the moral high ground and such. This is all logical when you understand the way to ease the divisiveness in the country is to pile onto it you know.

18% of the US population suffer from some kind of mental disorder.
They deserve a role model in congress.
No one better than Waters.

Continue to demonize the people you donā€™t agree with.

Itā€™s very becoming.


Do you believe the mentally troubled are demons?
Doesnā€™t sound very progressive. You better think about that.

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How bout Steven king, he definitely is a mental case supporting white supremists.


No but to marginalize people by lying about them by saying they have a mental disorder is just wrong.

You disagree with Maxine politics and that she hates the man you idolize, I get that.


We should all quit that, after watching Saturday night live during Bush Jrā€™s presidency it would seem he was being portrayed quiet often as mentally retarded. Then we have board psychiatrists and doctors writing letters saying Trump and I will paraphrase them.

Rambling speech; episodes of slurred speech; failure to recognize old friends; frequent repetition of the same concepts; decreased fine motor coordination; difficulties reading, listening and comprehending; suspect judgment, planning, problem solving and impulse control; and markedly declining vocabulary in recent years, with overreliance on superlatives.

I will agree with you on Steve King though._

You clearly indicated that you think the mentally ill are demons.

Maxine Waters did not hate my late father. She did not know him.

Wonder what theyā€™re going to give Loca Jackson Leeā€¦

You do know that Saturday night live is a parody?


good lord.




demonizing (present participle)

  1. portray as wicked and threatening.


Close enough.
You believe the mentally ill are wicked.
Your progressive credentials are suspect, to say the least.