Mattis "World's most overrated general"

True, but different. Comparison to past Presidents is not a standard.

Of what?

Looks, money, intellect, clothes, taste, etc…


Trump is the great President since Lincoln.

Trump is an idiot with the morals of a billy goat, the situational awareness of a rock and the taste of Caligula.

The Federalist Society is his one saving grace.

He is The King of Trolls, but even that is growing boring.

The only reason he is even worth me mentioning is lib tears.

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Amen to that, Sneaky.

I have always felt my time serving changed me for the better, and the habits and discipline I learned then affect me to this day in a positive manner. It is an advantage having served, and it made me a better person.

Trump should shut his yap.

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You are a Liberal or are you a Leftist?

He has a right to say what he does.
You fought to help assure that right.

This forum is proof it doesn’t “make a person better”.


I am an individual.

He has every right, but he also has a RESPONSIBILITY that I do not have, and privileges that I will never experience.

It is that responsibility that he has failed in every regard. He is the leader of the free world. When I was a kid, we had Presidents you could simply ignore. I didn’t understand politics, I remember Nixon on Laugh In and thought that was cool. Otherwise I never heard about him until he was impeached. I was too busy looking for snakes in the fields around my house.

Imagine a kid today and this is their first President they remember. A loud mouthed, reactive, hyperbolic bag of misogynistic wind with multiple wives and mistresses and a bad case of NPD.

That would suck. This is what a President looks like?

He is not an adult, he has no business criticizing men who have served honorably like Mattis. He has no right mocking men who were POW’s like McCain when he feigned bone spurs to get out of Vietnam. He has no right to denigrate Gold Star families who mourn the loss of their son.

Because he has never served, no one in his horrid family has served. You need to earn the right to comment on some things and he hasn’t.

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Nonsense. Just because someone is Conservative that doesn’t make them bad, and it doesn’t make Liberals good. If you served, you are different from those who did not, and it IS for the better.

The reason it is better? Because no matter your color, your gender, your political inclinations, your identity or race once you put on that uniform everyone around you is your family. You would die defending them and nothing else matters. It is telling that the military always led the way with racial integration.

That is what is better, if we all could do that the world would be a better place.


This truth hit home for me when Trump won the nomination.

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Enjoyed the discussion, as always.

You seemed to have misspelled the first letter in your user name.


Oh give me a break, you are projecting.

It’s easier to be cognizant of it being in the middle of the rural Midwest. Sometimes you want to put a ball-gag over the costal idiots spouting their supposed superiority.

Trump is still a ■■■■■■■ idiot regardless.

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How does one misspell a letter?


But I think Trump (and you guys) might have overestimated how large that segment of the population is.


The eleveth-dimensional chess thing doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t hold water, no matter how hard you try to carry it.