Mattis 'not aware' of North Korea taking any steps to denuclearize

it’s not just non-Trumpers. it’s vendors and wives/girlfriends and banks and businesses and paint stores and construction people and anyone that has a brain and has paid attention to his business career.

he’s stuck. there isn’t an answer that doesn’t make him sound crazy.

Actually I’m not stuck at all. I just simply won’t play the silly game.

Yes I mentioned this earlier.

The bits and pieces that were approved before he became President.

I also mentioned (and this is something any contractor who worked for Donald Trump will know will) that the feds have used a little-known, little-used regulation from the Great Depression era to seize properties along the border and not compensate the owners.

Trump Business as Usual, except on a federal scale as opposed to a business scale.

In fact while we were mesmerized by the border debacle:

*This property seizure was going on
*The House quietly introduced legislation to cut Medicare, Social Security and other entitlements in order to fight the deficits caused by the tax reduction legislation
*In a really shady deal, and one that hints that he doesn’t give a whit about national security if he can benefit personally somehow, Trump, to the dismay of even the swamp creatures in his own adminsitration, tried to get the Chinese cell phone company ZTE’s trade embargo status revoked. Read up on this one, folks…this is slimy and shady to the extreme.


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You are playing the same game you always play.

You never answer direct questions…you just brand them “liberal talking points” and move on.

You’re not fooling anyone.

WhY aRe YoU lIbErAlS fRoThInG aT tHe MoUtH wItH tRuMp DeRaNgEmEnT sYnDrOmE!!!

Is the D party lacking any understanding of strategy?

Of course you’re stuck. That’s why you won’t answer.