Matt Gatz to file ethic charges against Pelosi

Did you give them your SS # or perhaps a passport number? Also, did you apply through the school office of finance?

I agree with you and this is how you react?

What does ā€œOh noesā€ supposed to mean?

A clarion call for the societally oppressed


Nah. Just thought that was a thing now.

As I stated in another thread, what Pelosi ripped was a COPY of the speech, not the original. the original will be preserved in the National Archives.

Gaetz is just trying to get back on the good side of Idiot Boy because of his vote to curtail presidential power.

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Lol, my facts are perfectly fine. Iā€™ve been receiving SS since 10/18.

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You need to have your SS number, but you donā€™t need to show them anything.

Same with my daughter.


Are the IDs required to buy a firearm free?

If not Iā€™ll await your support in removing that requirement for purchasing as you obviously think itā€™s a detrimentā€¦


If they tossed a bucket of water on her would she melt?

Hmmmmmm :thinking::sunglasses:

Yes I support the same free national ID to be for gun purchases

Yet we donā€™t have a free ID yet. So that means we should require no ID at all until we do correct?

To remain consistent.

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:point_up:Why do conservatives always do that? 1+1does not equal 3

Do what? Point out hypocritical positions?

My bad. Maybe donā€™t hold inconsistent positions on things.

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My position is more consistent than yours. I support an ID being free for both. You want an ID required for 1 activity but not the other

If they tossed a bucket on Trump, would his tan run???

Who said I donā€™t want it for both besides you? Iā€™m not The one claiming requiring a non free ID is a detriment. You are. It canā€™t be a detriment to voting if itā€™s not a detriment to firearms purchases.

Iā€™ve simply pointed out that, by your own statements, you want an ID required for one even when itā€™s not free, but donā€™t want an ID required for the other until it is free.

Which is inconsistent.


Maybe but he wouldnā€™t melt.

I can just hear Pelosi squealing Iā€™m melting Iā€™m melting. :wink:

What did you just do? You just added like a thousand posts to this thread about how he has done it. Store and how he wasnā€™t really making fun of well anyone