Matt Gatz to file ethic charges against Pelosi

Um…members of Congress aren’t impeached.

It opens the debate on the floor about her actions. The better and more productive thing to do would be to support the President in his reelection and to follow the actions of Mitch, just do the job you were elected to do; overturn Obamacare, build the wall and make sure our constitution is upheld.

He said i folks!

We need a balloon gif for this.

Slightly less.than trying to fix an election…

I remember that time when Wilson wasnt rewarded with millions in donations because he said you lied…

I remember the whole gop being up in arms over it…

Oh wait…that never happened…but hey nancy ripped up some paper…so let’s lose our minds over it…


This really triggers you, dude.

Old saying: When you throw a stick into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit.

I never address it to you, yet you yelp each time you see it.

Indeed! It seems you do!


Triggers? Nooo…its hilarious how often you use it. It’s your go to for everything these days…

Nah…your projection is neat tho…keep swinging

I just enjoy the whole snowflake thing being pushed right now over this

A few democrats might pray on it. They could recieve divine revelation that what she did was wrong and vote with R’s. Never rule out the power of prayer.

looks like gatz has his own problems now…

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What I listed came straight from the .gov web site.
So maybe you need to get on the stick and get your facts straight.
I know what you need because of the fact that I helped my parents and my husband sigh up.

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You really think a bank any bank is going to loan you money on your word that you are who you say you are? Really. You think the government is going to loan you money on your word that you are who you say you are? Really.
I swear people don’t even think things through anymore. Good lord.

Spelling police how cute. Make you feel better?


As I said, it’s been quite a while since you’ve had any experience with student loans, haven’t it?

Students don’t go to the bank to get student loans anymore. They get them from the federal government.

Even 20 years ago, the government was subsidizing student loans. Banks were side players.

I have borrowed an amount of money greater than $5000, but less than $25,000 in student loans within the last couple years. At no point was I asked for a photo ID.


No the regs says so. Boo regs. Oh noes not regs. Not cent gov regs!!!

What’s falsa ma’am?

You are going to need crayons and and a description of how security questions work.

I’ve had kids in college for seven years now…at no point did I show a photo ID to get any student loans.

Did it all from the computer.

Why do you insist on claiming you are correct when you obviously aren’t?

Can no one ever admit when they have made a mistake anymore?


So impeachment and removing a duly elected president does not require a crime according to Dems, but censoring the House Speaker does.

Wrong. She began ripping it up during the speech, making initial rips in the pages.

Called he gmom’s actions “a typical Italian grandmother’s response”?
Uhhh :thinking:
I grew up with e Nonna Italiana and multi Zia, What Pelosi did was multi pazzo!

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