Matt Gaetz under federal investigation for relationship with underaged girl

what do you mean “abandon?”

Like stop defending and supporting him

(Here is where you say you’ve never done either)

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where did i defend him?

let alone support?

Funny you should bring that up. A dude I grew up with, when we were sixteen he liked sixteen year olds. When we were twenty he liked sixteen year olds. When I ran into him three or four years later he still liked sixteen year olds and we had to stop being friends because it’s horribly creepy.

Point blank, if you’re over 21 you shouldn’t be messing with anyone who can’t legally drink. It’s weird. If you’re over 21 and messing with under 18 girls you ■■■■■■■ up.

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Sounds like a defense to me.

i’m sure it does.

but if i were actually defending him, that would be defending him

you’ll figure it out

Are you saying Gaetz is a flight risk?


I’m supposed to feel bad for Gaetz when he put his prostitution payments on a public pay site feed with notations on them that if you click on them start playing Limp Bizkit’s “I Did It All For The Nookie.”

Pull the other leg. He’s just dumb, too dumb to know that young girls will have sex with a congressman without having to pay them or write them an excuse to get out of pre algebra.

Yes. One wonders what hasn’t fallen into place. A simple case and a long time.

Court cases take a long time. How often I have to explain this to adults who have at least a cursory knowledge of how our legal system works confuses me greatly.

Sounds like a statement of fact.

And the less sound evidence you have, the longer it takes.

Well, that’s different. LOCK HIM UP!

No need to argue. Age of consent in Florida is 18.

Are you defending him?

The dude who was pimping him the sugar babies snitched on him and turned government witness. What do you mean no evidence. And again, we can look at the ■■■■■■■ Venmo feeds. Holy moly.

Depends on the outcome of a trial if there is enough evidence to indict.



I remember being like a sophomore in high school and there were always a few 23 or 24 year old dudes trying to bang the hottest high school girls and when you’re a little hormone addled nitwit they seem so cool, the baddest chicks love them etc. etc.

Then you turn 23 and you’re like, holy mackerel, the dudes trying to bang 16 year old girls are sad ass losers to the point you don’t want to associate with them.

In this case, Matt Gaetz is my age messing with a 17 year old. And giving them coke and money to ■■■■■


[quote=“WorldWatcher, post:754, topic:238820, full:true”]

No. You’re licking your lips at sentences you are dreaming about, before there is even a determination that a case exists to litigate.