Matt Gaetz under federal investigation for relationship with underaged girl

Whenever an ex girlfriend is granted immunity to testify… it isn’t a good sign for you

they’ll stop at nothing to take him out

next up is prob jim jordan

if dems cant rig midterms enough to stay in (narrow) majority they know impeachment is on the table

and maybe some expulsions from committees.

This might be the time to abandon Gaetz… just sayin

Who? … :man_shrugging:

A federal investigation into whether a congressman ever paid for sex. That doesn’t sound political at all.

Good, Both Gaetz and Jordan are horrible people. I don’t think they will impeach Biden (the sole reason Harris was selected as VP was insurance against that. Could have picked many other more competent black women if it was just needing a black woman. Good, Dems as a whole deserve pay back for stripping Republicans from Committees on their own and there are individual Dems who deserve it anyway.

Not much of a crime…

All of which would be justified based on Democrats actions as they went full authoritarian after the smallest of majorities. However, no to impeachment’s that will never pass the Democrats in the senate. Yes to investigations…a few well directed ones.

Could be guilty. But could be a target.

If Dem’s had half the FBI believing there were pee tapes just to ruin Trump, why would they not try to ruin a Trump supporter?


A minor, and taken across state lines to do the deed. (Mann Act violation)

Statutory rape and transportation across state lines to engage in prostitution though, a little more significant.

Under 18 U.S.C. § 2423 we’re talking felony with a prison for 10-years to life.


How to Cook a Rabbit.

  1. First catch a rabbit.

Trafficking of an underaged girl.

What’s going on here? I know Gaetz’s boy that was pimping out the sugar babies to Gaetz and his other buddies turned state’s evidence so how far are we from the hammer being dropped?

Uh oh I see a lot of RRMDS here. Reflexive Roy Moore Defense Syndrome.


Gaetz should have just come over the border with her like all the other traffickers that you© endorse.

That’s unfair, if Matt Gaetz had the common sense God gave a hamster he wouldn’t have put the transactions up publicly on Venmo and none of this would have happened.

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In Pittsburgh… do you know any older men who banged 17 year olds?

BTW… did you notice you are the most prolific poster in this thread? 50% more posts than the next highest. :thinking:

Oh here is where we argue what underage really is :rofl:.

The age will keep going down in order to absolve Gaetz of guilt.