Mass shootings, motivation for, and weapon(s) used

It’ll get a new provider within a couple of days. I’m not sure what the solution is or if there even is one. I would think the necessary next steps would be the FBI stepping up their cyber game, and am not sure that balkanizing hate sites makes their efforts any easier.

I have long stated that the instant access of media is the primary factor.

Number two is a general lack of cultural cohesion and personal responsibility.

I think medication and illegal drug use is number three.

I think gun free zones is number four.

Weapons used is a negligible factor.


How about a 7 day waiting period to allow a meaningful background check to be done?

30 seconds was the response time in Dayton. In that 30 seconds 9 people were shot and killed and 27 others were injured.

How can anyone assert that guns “is a negligible factor”?

Waiting 7 days to get an account to post on a forum seems a little harsh. Most places just make you verify an email address, and away we go.

How very, very droll in the dry sense of humour way. In the spirit of your post let me add in some cases it might be appropriate.

For the record I was referring to a 7 day waiting period when purchasing a firearm.

The daily stormer didn’t, had to go the “dark web” route.

It won’t get rid of these white nationalist propaganda sites, but it will limit the exposure somewhat.

Leaving things as is hasn’t worked. This is like the third mass shooting linked to ■■■■■■■■■■■ on 8chan in a year.

Like I said, I’m not sure what the answer is. This may very well be it, but I’m trying to view it from the unintended consequences angle.

There is no answer, just people full of enough crap to think they have it. :wink:

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Hard to imagine how it’d make things worse than they are atm. A lot of damage has already been done in terms of radicalising a bunch of teens.

Unfortunately it’s the kind of radicalisation that is viral. So continually attacking and dismantling gathering points is a good start, imo.

But you’re basically stuck with a generation that has a chunk of anti-semitic, white supremacist edgelords.

It could have been a bomb. That would have been worse. It could have been an arson. That would have been worse. etc…

It can always be worse.


It was not a bomb nor was it an arson attack.

Uhhhggg. I did some research, and now I need a shower. Dear lord.

A very astute application of the media coverage.


How about blame BOTH?

You’re still grounded. Your programmer never equipped you with the capacity for multi-sentenced thought structure. Get back to me when you finally get an update installed.

So you don’t want to actually solve the problem.

I want to talk to a human being. Get your coder on the line. Tell him PHP 7x was released years ago. lol

So you still don’t want to actually solve the problem.

Here in the Peoples Republic of Maryland there is already a seven day waiting period that begins after the application and required paperwork is submitted.
In Florida where we own a home, the mandatory waiting period is either 3 days, excluding weekends and holidays, or the time it takes to complete the required criminal background check—whichever occurs later.