Mass Murder in Venezuela

How many died at Parkland?

Mass murder is definitely not reflective of Venezuelan culture.

How is that relevant to my question?

49 - 17

32 more.

And? One used a firearm in a deliberate act of murder at a school, one used a tear gas canister at a mass gathering in what appears to be a prank gone horribly wrong.

Still not understanding how your conflating the two.

Damn grammatical errors. When the edit feature returns it will feel like Christmas.

It wasn’t a prank.

From what I’m reading so far, they are reporting a fight broke out at the club, one of the combatants detonated a tear gar canister, and the crowd stampeded in a panic. So no, not a prank.

It was a weapon.

You asked this:

I responded:

And I answered twice. The first was not fair. The 2nd one was valid.

But generally true.

Your assertion was that more would be dead if an AR was used.

Not an illogical assertion.

It is if you know anything about the subject matter.

Go on, then.

What was the death toll at parkland?

Already established in the thread. Let’s not play Captain Parsely this one time, just come to your point.

What was the death toll at Parkland?

Or just go on with your usual self. Thanks anyway, you win. As you always do, of course.