Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

Looks like France can be included here as well:

PARIS—The French parliament on Tuesday approved an immigration bill that boosts authorities’ power to deport foreigners and limits access to welfare and citizenship, cementing the rightward tilt of President Emmanuel Macron’s government.


things eventually get so bad that even the left realizes the folly of their destructive policies and philosophies.

prob too late

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i dont know.

white immigrants to America, did a pretty good job with the natives.


If you know anything about Ireland you’ll know it has changed from a deeply religious, conservative country who didn’t even legalise divorce till the 80’s, to the liberal society we enjoy today.
Citizens voted by referendum to allow divorce, same sex marriage, abortion and EU entry among other issues.
This cultural shift was at the will of the people and occurred before any immigration.
I don’t see the correlation between the two although they may have some impact on the culture hopefully a positive one, we voted on all the changes ourselves and had nothing to do with immigrants.
The financial problems we face have nothing to do with immigrants and endured recessions in the 80’s and again in 2008.
The whole “ooh immigrants are the cause of all our problems” annoys me because it is a convenient excuse for our government doing a bad job.

immigrants are certainly not the cause of all your problems. but turning your country into a lefty free-for-all is. All leftist policies lead to ruin. the left wont stop at same sex marriage and abortion. trust me

visiting Ireland and drinking with the locals in a pub is on my bucket list. i better prioritize to the top of the list

Oh thanks for saying that I’m always amazed that people want to visit a tiny inconsequential island off the Atlantic!
But I’d love us to welcome you with the friendliness we’re known for and not a country full of angry citizens.
It was quite a miserable time in the 80’s and prior, when the church ruled and the government and our laws were very restrictive.
We had civil war, widespread church abuse and 3 recessions by 2008.
We wanted social change and voted for it.


i always thought it is an amazing country with an interesting history and culture


Well, I mean backatcha. I can empathise a lot with the republicans pov on this forum because that was my upbringing and probably even more conservative considering divorce was illegal until the 80’s and was rare.
Europe is portrayed as all out liberal but most countries have a large religious conservative population.
Getting back to Evs most of us are skeptical too.
Heck the EU may not be around by then.

That’s the motherland, it’s on my bucket list as well. Not the cities so much; I just want to see that lush green countryside and some small town pubs.


Same. My mom’s ancestry is of Ireland.

As for my dad’s ancestry… I’d have to pick a random west African country. I hear Sierra Leone isn’t too bad these days. And it’s a good assumption. Based on a studies are large percentage of black Americans are descended from people who were in Sierra Leone.

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It’s really about importing poverty, which is exactly the type of people and country the Democrats want.

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Most nations have experienced poverty or recessions has nothing to do with immigrants.
Immigrants have come to the US and become very rich and successful.
If they work and pay taxes how is that importing poverty.

There’s a pretty big economic difference between importing skilled responsible individuals, and importing from the slums of the 3rd world.

Importing the former is definitely a benefit to the receiving country and detrimental to the losing country.

Importing the later is detrimental to the receiving country, and benefits the losing country.


But all countries need unskilled labour too, cleaners, waitresses and the service industry.
Often jobs that natives don’t want to do.

Thank you so much I’m humbled and immensely baffled that anyone would even think of going to Ireland.
There is so much wonders in the US.

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And immigration is fine…if you determine how many your country and economy can handle and vet these immigrants to determine if they are likely not only,to benefit themselves but your country.
That is not what is happening. That is not what people are complaining about.

No and I understand that argument but I have a problem with blaming immigrants for the country’s ills.

You think illegals want to do those jobs?

In this country, I blame the politicians for the country’s ills. I blame the immigrants for contributing to the country’s ills.

They overwhelm the medical system, drag down the education system, etc.

I have nothing against asylum seekers (legitimate) or applying legally for citizenship.

I am in favor of merit based immigration or temporary status for work as long as all are vetted before coming into the country.

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It not just the Left.

Enoch Powell ended his career with his Rivers of Blood speech.