Mass migration in the UK (and elsewhere) has not been the utopian dream that the liberals promised

Wasn’t he lamenting the Balkanizing of England because of immigrants who would not assimilate? If a Japanese, Indian, Nigerian, Pakistani, Syrian, or any non-white leader gave the same speech would it cause an uproar with the pc crowd?
With the right marketing and prodding from the elites, Ivy League college students would have that leader’s face on a t-shirt or poster in their dorm room, as a show of solidarity with the oppressed. Bernays would be proud.

It’s beyond precious that the UK who czolonised many countries are now upset over immigrants.


It’s also a completely false narrative that our economy has an unlimited number of jobs for people who are uneducated, unskilled, don’t speak the language, and by the way come from abject poverty.

I don’t think where you came from should matter as much as what you do when you go to another country.
Many jobs are unskilled and someone has to do them.

Your first statement has nothing to do with anything I said. Regarding the low wage - dead end jobs that these people are hoping to find, the best thing is that those jobs go the way of the dinosaur. In other words, what’s better for the country is not bringing in millions of people to do low wage dead end jobs, but having fewer better paying jobs brought about by advances in technology.


It’s when those immigrants arrive and their actions, that determines the answer to your question. Do they assimilate within the culture that’s hosting them or do they set up a small version of what they left, within their new host country? If it’s the latter, it’s then to the detriment of the host country. Why repeat what didn’t work…and yet, you see this over and over and over.

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Over and over through history we see that the initial wave of migrants settle
Together in enclaves and by the 2nd generation…. Unless they are religious orthodox zealots… have integrated into the host society quite well.

Complaining about setting up a small version of their country means that you are complaining about Chinatowns or Little Italys or in the case where I grew up… the Greek part of town or where all the Belgians settled.

…said the Russian collusion, delusionalized Brandonite who has no credibility left. You are unable to look at things logically and offer a credible opinion and history…PROVES that. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I understand that you have no real response to your misunderstanding of migration.

It’s okay

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I understand this and there is a limit to how much a country can take immigrants.
What i hate is that sometimes they are blamed for how our governments run our country and if its bad they are somehow responsible.

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You should ask the Natives before you say that.
I don’t think the Natives would agree with you.

only 25% of natives speak their native tongue.

from babbel:

“However, the majority of Native Americans today speak only English. Of the roughly 2.7 million American Indians and Alaska Natives counted by the 2016 census, 73 percent of those aged 5 years or older spoke only English. That’s down slightly from 73.7 percent in 2005, though in 2010, that number had dipped to 72.2 percent.“


Speaking English did not remove their perceived rights that were, in their belief, violated.
Speaking English does not mean they assimilated.

To see a live Indian I would have to go to a reservation.
In 50 plus years in USA I saw a whole lot of 1… in a Nevada hospital.

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87% of natives dont live on reservations.

and only 1 native in 50 plus year?

methinks you need to get out more.


I held 2 jobs all those years…ya think that’s enough of going out ?

met many natives both here in the metro area and my travels to 30 states of the union.

still a few on the bucket list.


Interesting…maybe they were hiding when they saw me comming… :sweat_smile: :sob:

We can include Germany on this list as well:

The eltes leftist are getting exactly what the wanted… Poverty and division… That’s what makes them powerful.

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Here’s some more of the wonderful consequences:

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