Mask Mandate Returning

his credentials sounded impressive to me

all his patents, papers, medicines invented…

pay no attention to all the men behind the curtain?

Tell me about those patents. What did he invent?

Impress me with his accomplishments.

listen to the first 20 seconds of @zantax video here

i’m impressed. if his 87 patents across 22 different fields of medicine, hundreds of papers etc aren’t worthy you’ll have to tell me why

otherwise, i consider him quite the expert

Doesn’t much matter what his credentials are, he was presenting scientific fact backed by peer reviewed research. If you want to refute that fact, fine, have at it, character assassination won’t cut it.

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Damage control.


Both of them proved you are being nothing but a partisan hack. He ordered the closers when everyone else said no.

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Of course not perfect. But masking absolutely slowed transmissions.

studies show they absolutely did not:

Conclusions Mask mandates and use are not associated with slower state-level COVID-19 spread during COVID-19 growth surges.”

just like fauci said


Only for Bigfoot and UFO’s.

They did no discernable service beyond create violence over wearing them.

There are dozens more as well as real world examples like this:

I’ve been surprised at the level of amnesia that develops here in Hannity Land…even after a short period of time. I have noticed though, there’s a correlation having to do with looking in the mirror and admitting being wrong. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


None of those support your position. Of particular note is the lack of transmission in airplanes, even during the height of the spread before vaccines, is credited to in cabin air system filtration.

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Doesn’t stop anyone from going to Florida for that beach vacation. Nobody forgets where that is.


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can you summarize instead of gatling gunning links?

like this for instance: another study

Conclusion: There is limited available preclinical and clinical evidence for face mask benefit in SARS-CoV-2.“

or be your own scientist and show the data. For instance look how ineffective mask use helped case surges:

(for PA)

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That has always been the fact. For every study with a marginal benefit there is another showing just the opposite.

Net result is the benefit is a placebo effect.

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bingo. and again, just like dr television said from the start

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There are hundreds of combined posts showing really smart folks lambasting Trump for closing the borders. They’re unable to cover all of it up so look for overdrive efforts deflect and deny lol :rofl:


Amazing isn’t it. First he said he waited to long when everyone back then said don’t and “what about the Americans over there” then blames him for them coming home.


Just like the left trying to say it was the right who is defunding the Police now, Started with the the racists Dems became Republicans southern strategy crap.


A wee bit. Those slobs that don’t cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, the mask does it for them. Other than that, most masks people wear aren’t doing anything against a virus.

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