Market rout wipes out 2 years of trumps rally

Not grinning at all. I took a substantial loss, especially on a bet I placed yesterday.

Ah, so sacrificing our hard work and monetary savings for retirement is necessary to defeat Trump?
Good god, there are times that large drop offs in stocks that hurt Americans transcends some stupid political talking point.


Well get use to it libs…specially when you vote for Bernie.


Kinda same story I wrote about it a couple weeks ago moved most into treasury bonds because seemed things were over bought and stagnant, two days before all hell broke loose would like mark it up as a market genius, but just lucky timing that I had been meaning to do for awhile.

I guess it took a pandemic to bring it down but I will get back when things settle down.

It isn’t a correction. It’s panic of a cold.


Yes…its for common good.

They are just hell bent to start an unnecessary panic.

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Over the least powerful branch of government.

So, the Dow dropping under a Sanders administration would be Bernie’s fault (based on your “logic”).
So, using the same logic, this drop is Trump’s fault.
Good to know that.

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Of the five largest point drops in DOW history, three were this week. And it’s only Thursday.

We are beyond that, the panic has set in. Have you paid any attention to the reason why the Dow Jones has dropped so much?

When Bernie kills off oil and gas industry say goodbye to 7.5 million jobs or so.

Make sure libs wave at em…

Won’t happen, but thanks for playing.

What won’t happen? Bernie becoming your president or he wouldn’t kill off oil and gas industry?

It would need to drop at least 1,650 points in one day to equal the 1,000 point drop under Obama because the stock market is 65% bigger now than it was then. Or so said the libs the other day when they were trying to do basic math. lol

Is it a hoax?

It’s not a cold.

Sector performances reflect just that.

Oh, you must be new here. That’s not how this works at all around here. If stocks tumble under Bernie, it’s clearly Bernie’s fault, circumstances be damned. If stocks tumble under Trump, it’s still Bernie’s fault, though he shares some blame with a common cold.


And, as always, it’s the unfair media’s fault too