Market rout wipes out 2 years of trumps rally

the stock market is now back to where it was in january 2018
as of yesterday the market was up 37% in the 3+ years of trump
at the same point obama had seen the market jump 69%


Dems fault.

Well Trump did literally say that a lot of it was the Dems fault yesterday.

We’re now slipping into correction territory. Make sure you’re having conversations with your financial advisers folks!

Coincidentally, I rolled over my 401k last Thursday. My money is still out of the market and in a check on its way to my new account. That’s lucky.


Good timing! I rebalanced my TSP this morning to a more conservative position - I’m going to hold there until this volatility settles down a bit.

Bloomberg town hall last night caused the stock market to drop 700 points today and Dems cheer it on. There is no end to their madness. The election should be called off so that worries can end and the market can recover.

I hope the virus does not cause too much pain for people, but I’m young, I’m hoping to find some opportunities here.

Congrats…the left prayers been answer. Their economic miracle has materialized. Yay…

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A downturn is opportunity for those who know how to exploit it. Just have to know when to go short.

Jesus Christ this day needs to end. It is ■■■■■■■ plummeting.

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Democrats and the media need to stop reporting on this market downturn. The only reason the market is falling is because of all the negative reporting. Where are the stories about how great the economy is doing? Liberals don’t want you to hear about those stories. Where is the fairness?

You can thank the idiots in the media for turning colds into the end of days.

Jack asses.

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It’s the driive by media

When I said we should bring back the 20s, I mean like Flappers, Jazz and Cthulhu, not the Great Depression!

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I thought the left are atheists? We don’t pray.

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@conan @SixFoot

Look how happy they are! It’s almost worth it just to see them.


Or maybe Donald’s stupid press conference, Pence being point man, kudlow and mnuchin being the experts added to the C-team?

BTW, I watched a few minutes of his stupid presser, where I learned that hospitals provide rooms for these types of situations.


Could be. Or it is what I said.