Market rout wipes out 2 years of trumps rally

Nothing the president can say will change the supply chain equation.

All the president can do is try to calm fears and prevent a panic.

Apparently this was the worst single day drop in history.


Welp, he spoke and ■■■■ the bed. Clearly he did not calm anyone.
Maybe he can speak again tonight.

Stock up on Theraflu!


Thanks Obama!


No it wasn’t. Biggest in total volume but not as a percentage.

A lot of people took losses today… and the impact will be felt across the political spectrum.

Trump biggest single day drop in stock market history…make sure you libs run on that in 6 months.

It’s sure winner…

You have no idea whether they actually suffered any capital losses unless you know what they paid for the stocks to start with.

Yes that’s right, the biggest.

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Some posters think that “libzes” are all gloating over the Dow drop, like none of the libzes have anything invested in 401K or stocks.

He said worst, not biggest and it’s not the worst.

Yep. My investments are down quite a bit.

You’re quibbling technicalities.


But clearly you are grinning, right?

Yep. The worst.

Leave it to a Trump supporter to argue that a stock market correction isn’t a perceived as a drop in the value of one’s holdings. You won’t find many takers who aren’t wearing red hats.


Doesn’t matter…sacrifice is necessary to defeat orange man.

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I’m being accurate. As a percentage it’s not the worst drop in history.

Unless you panic and sell you haven’t lost anything.