Mark Cuban may run

Yeah right - your the one that tried to make Roosevelt relevant to this discussion.

That doesnt make for a good radio segment. It needs to be oversimplified to enduce targeted rage

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No, you’re the one who tried to make “daddy’s money” relevant. You brought it up.

I think that one of the reasons that the AM radio has gotten so tedious in the past couple of years is that the audience has Groundhog Day syndrome.

They need to be reminded on a daily basis whose fault it is that they are no longer able to take personal responsibility.


If he can form coherent policy positions, it would definitely be “fresh”. I’m all about strong 3rd party candidates

Context is hard I know

You voted for Donald Trump, correct?


I feel like it’s gotten really bad lately, either that or I’m getting older and have heard it all before. Listen to Rush or Beck or whoever on the radio, it’s just so negative and us vs them. Hell, ESPN is even getting out of hand now, nothing but drama and bickering

Having daddy bail you out while writing books about how great and genius a business person you are is going to follow him around the rest of his life. So all of Trump’s lying and bad business decisions and being given gobs of money by his daddy is always relevant.

Trump should have been more like Cuban.

I don’t listen to the political guys on radio and I have also stopped watching ESPN. I agree that it is nothing but drama now.

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Is the reason one would run as a third party candidate or independent to ensure the other side’s candidate wins?

FS1 is much better imo…minus skip and shannon. Much less shouting and talking over eachother

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The CBS sports website is better than the ESPN website too.

The Philippines was not in WWI and it was the Japanese that slaughtered Filipino’s in WWII and it was Americans who eventually liberated the Filipino’s. Look it up the info is available online! There is a famous quote from General Mcarther “I shall return” and look up the Batan death march.

This is the second incorrect & odd reference of America and Philippine history that I’ve seen on this community board and it is way off base!! :open_mouth:

And its such an insult to America’s finest generation of those that fought in WWII and was one of America’s finest hours.

I think I may like having a actual business genius in the White House. We currently have a fake one and having a real one would at least be interesting.

Who mentioned WWII?

After the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish-American war, the US took control of the Philippines. Now…the Filipinos who had just gotten out from under Spanish control and had formed their own Republic took issue with this, seeing as in their eyes, their country was not Spain’s to give away.

The US disagreed. That was in 1899.

So yada yada yada… hundreds of thousands of dead Filipinos… yada yada yada… massacres… yada yada yada… war crimes… the US topples the Philippine Republic in 1902.

I’ll take a look…for some reason I never look at sports websites

To be fair… I never knew about the Philippine- US war until I had a Filipino neighbor who was a documentary film maker and made film about this subject. And that was in my early 20’s.

We don’t really like to teach the history of the stuff that the US has done that is pretty bad.

This is how history is mostly taught… well this is what I got anyway.

Colonial Times… Revolution… Constitution… Louisiana Purchase… Civil War (the State’s Rights Version)… WWI… WW2… an acknowledgment that something happened in Korea… Vietnam lite… Civil Rights with just enough of a smattering of Jim Crow backstory so that Rosa Parks doesn’t look insane.


Isn’t it nice to not be jealous over someone else’s success? What a crappy life it would be if things like that made me angry.