Mark Burnett told me that I don’t use the N Word

What does that have to do with Tommy’s post?

1.) Why are you using the N word in this thread. It gets censored when you post it but Not when I reply and actually see it in the Quote. (MODS should fix that)
2.) I Have never said the N word to ANYONE unlike YOU which I just screen shot.
3.) I am not always coming into these threads explaining that.
4.) Do you disagree with the actual FACT I put forward?
5.) Not asking ANY ONE to forget what happened to Black people , I just ask yo be Honest about it.
Black people were selling other black people into the Slave trade.
White people have been sold into the Slave trade as well.

Human Trafficking still goes on and it is not Just Black people who are victims.

That’s been happening since this new forum started.

Oh my. We’ve read some things here, haven’t we.


whoa. are you saying the N word is bad??? that rule apply for Donald Trump too?

No worse than cracker. And anyway Ish’s grandparents had a hard time in Greece or something.

Yep, arguing with trump supporters whether the “N” word is good or bad…crazy right?

In their hearts, they know that tape exists.

I’ve not limited my posts to Greeks. You can try to conflate all my posts together without their context so that you can pick and choose how to misuse them. But it shows your desperation to support the lib narrative that burrowed into your brain.

Democrats have kept their slaves. Fortunately they knew little about the slaves of the Ottomans, Arabs, and Asians or they might have enslaved us with their economic chains too.

always good to bring the kiddos out for a good lynching.

this (as those people there would say, “N word”) was a farmer and was hungry. went to a white family’s house to beg for food. cops picked him up. faked a kidnapping. let the mob hang him.

and the cop’s revolver was passed around to shoot the lifeless hanging body.

not sure why black people don’t like that word or don’t always trust the police (throughout our history).

And you seriously wonder why black people, despite their social conservatism, don’t vote Republican. Christ.

tone deaf.

If Democrats could get those people to vote, you would hear more about them.

Your people are standing around there. Not mine.

The Greeks in America had it just as bad!!!

rough times those were…

hell, this happened in 1955. he was 14. spoke to a white woman at a grocery store. the murderers were acquitted of course.

not sure why black people sometimes don’t trust the courts throughout our history…

The “we all have equal opportunity so pull yourself up by your bootstraps” belief—or something like it—leads to some really weird examples of false equivalence.

In a system designed for them to succeed, old white men don’t know why they can’t win the Victimhood Olympics, too.

I could post pictures of Italians lynched in America with people standing around.

But no one cares because there Democrats were not successful at keeping Italians feeling like victims.

Of course it is bad in my opinion for anyone to say it.
Ok if Trump said it then what?

Trump is a terrible person I have said it many times.
He is rude, he is a womanizer and a pig.

So shall we get rid of EVERYONE who says horrible things on both sides?
I am ok with that. basically will mean we have no Politicians