Mariupol is a shaping up as a showdown between Azov and Putin

I’m sorry…you think the city of Mariupol, with a population of 500,000, that is resisting tens of thousands of Russian troops and more than holding their own, is being primarily defended by one battalion? You think that?

Actually, they aren’t even a threat in Ukraine…but maybe Biden is doing a twist on the “fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here” routine.

Azov is putting out a large and loud call for fighters from the West. Neo-Nazis in a bunch of Western countries are heeding the call and heading to Ukraine.

So maybe this is Biden saying “Russia can fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here”.

Solid strategy! :rofl:

Seriously dude…stop sniffing Russian Propaganda, no matter how addictive it may feel.

Ukraine had a lot of problems to solve, even before the war. Ongoing corruption was the chief one.

Neo-Naziism is one they were solving. Azov does not have anywhere near the power in Ukraine you are ascribing to them.

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Right Sector got politically sidelined a few years ago.

They can get like 2% of the vote and zero seats in government

I Russi are led by a Slavic inbred who threatens the world with nuclear Holocaust if his systematic Ukrainian civilian genocide is interfered with.
Vlad wants Ukraine and is willing to sacrifice his own soldiers, kill women and children, flatten every city and repopulate the ruins with “Russian” citizens.
Over 3 million Ukrainians have left the country already with more trying to escape the carnage.
This is Putin’s MO, he’s done it before. No one stopped him then and he knows that threatening to use NBC weapons rocks everyone back on their heels.
Hopefully somebody back in merry old Moscow offs this chooch before he really hits the red button.

Wish we could say that about America.

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Whereas we have a couple active Congresspeople and state officials who, while likely not neo-Nazis, are making a point to listen to them…

The Anglo-Saxon caucus or some such nonsense like that.

McCarthy has already said that if they take the house MTG gets her committee assignments back.

Cool…. Right?

I mean they’re probably just vanilla racist and not George Lincoln Rockwell but that’s not that much of a difference these days. Hell, Rockwell taught his people to cloak their beliefs in irony and claim they were just joking in the Fifties.

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You know this is actually coming, they’ll just call it the Freeberty Patriot caucus instead.

Nah…. Now that the Birchers won they don’t need to do any of that.

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Robert Welch believing Eisenhower was a communist plant was much more reasonable than any of the ■■■■ they push now in the Republican mainstream.


MTG has been going on Alex Jones’s show quite a bit.

It is really eye opening.

The number one most requested endorsement in all of GOP politics at the moment. Their AOC.

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Yes every thread you started from their articles.

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■■■■■■■ Georgia.

I feel a kinship to Kevin van Ausdal, who ran against her. He was just a nice guy moderate Dem who was naive and ran because he wanted to genuinely help his district.

Greene, who was always going to win that race as soon as she won the GOP primary, spent her time smearing him so badly, when she didn’t have to, that he quit.

Similar thing happened to me on a local scale. My opponent didnt even want to be on the school board…he wanted to be a township supervisor but the powers that be told him to wait his turn.

He spent his time calling me a Lib to everyone he could reach (which with party money, was way more than me) and CRT and masks.

He didn’t even have to attack me…he was always going to win…but he attacked me anyway.

So now I get to heckle him from the cheap seats for every stupid thing he says.

I’d agree, but nobody is copping to it.

Please, the use of the term “Anglo-Saxon” conjures up bad memories of a college paper I submitted after weeks of research on the Dark Ages Anglo-Saxons in Britain.

The chooch prof graded it fair? I typed the ■■■■■■■■■ thing on a manual typewriter fer crissakes!


It soaks up air time that might be used scrutinizing Democrat ties to the CCP.

Yes, and COVID has pretty much disappeared from the news.

Satire warning.