Manufacturing plant to leave Minneapolis

Right nothing to do with false advertising and the subsequent lawsuits he faced and settled out of court including a civil penalty.

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is sort of what a success story is

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Is a bit of an exagerarían. Not wrong not right but you knew that when you shipped

Well there’s likely going to be more to follow.

I would say that is a good guess. I hear a lot of businesses never returned after the Watts riots for example.

shipped what?

what do you define as a success story? never overcoming a challenge? never falling and having to get up? Sounds like white privilege to me (at least the way stupid liberals seem to think).

he overcame his personal demons and made something out of his wrecked life. That is a success story.

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Well you know the old saying, it’s important to study history so you don’t repeat it.

Oh, they’ll miss it.

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The next thing is they will be whining for the feds to rebuild everything.

My response is you either burned and destroyed it all or allowed it to happen…rebuild it yourself!


Snipped lol sorry.

All i said was that It was a bit of an exaggeration.

He did good. I think given that his wonky access story has resulted in accusations of false advertising, a million dollar fine and an out of court settlement makes him less of a success story than if he had done everything you list cleanly.

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meh… the “false advertising” could have been an honest mistake, ignorance, or bad marketing advice. Settlements don’t mean much, cheaper than fighting it out half the time.

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Maybe they will come to jersey.

No riots here.


You need to find a better news source.

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