Manufacturing index falls to lowest in a decade

Absolutely right. A majority of households do not have the disposable income to cover a $600 emergency. My only point was to not focus so much on the Stock Market as the sole measure of economic success. I am much more concerned about income inequality – which has risen astronomically in the past forty years – and what can be done to address that.

The people need good jobs, we could stop letting all the companies go overseas to use basically space labor or tax the hell out of them if they do I really thing the majority of Americans would get behind this.

We also need to quit importing in workers constantly. (All these used to be mainline democrat positions). Nothing against the nominee Yang but when I hear universal income all that is is a nice word for welfare. It’s not the path to go and we are becoming the have and have not country crushing the middle class as businesses keep using cheap labor to replace American workers.

But how do you address business leaders, who are not intrinsically unpatriotic but who face the demand to increase share price and are offering a choice between American workers and offshore workers, who are often just as capable and substantially less expensive.

The talk of the need for “good jobs” often strikes me as nostalgic but not connected to they ways in which work has changed.

When Kodak was in its heyday, it employed tens of thousands fo people in good jobs as well as enabling other thousands to create ancillary businesses like camera stores where they could run a solid small business.

I cannot recall which digital photo serve it was (Flickr, perhaps) which, when it ran a huge lucrative IPO, had thirteen employees!

When? The 1960s - 1970s? Before Reagan? It was certainly not in my lifetime!

…and as a follow up. As of today (October 2nd) at 2:08 PM, the DOW is 26,058. We’re now below where we were 19 months ago. Sure, the stock market is volatile and I could be eating crow, but I’d love to see how this is spun as “part of the plan” and not all that bad. The Trump economy is failing. Prove me wrong.

The acceleration took place in the 2000’s

U.S. multinationals shifted millions of jobs overseas in the 2000s. Data from the U.S. Department of Commerce that “U.S. multinational corporations, the big brand-name companies that employ a fifth of all American workers… cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million.”

Is this discussing politics?

so what our saying is soon will get another chance to blast thru 26000…

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Seems appropriate given the user name.

Is 2% moderate, steady growth? Seems like I heard that a couple of years ago.

And that is on the Clinton’s and their cronies. The Republicans have always been for international trade to open up competition, but the Clinton Democrats were the first ones that helped the Republicans achieve that goal. It’s the reason Trump got just enough votes to win. Bernie Sanders would have killed him in the election.

I know. I live in Michigan.

If you live in Michigan you know. It seems like both parties are to blame one of the reasons I voted for then Senator Obama in 08 was that he railed against outsourcing but nothing happened and it was business as usual. Trump has the right message but he is a flawed messenger. The job numbers that left the country are staggering.

The irony is Sanders and Warren both sound a lot like Trump when it comes to trade.

Discussing. an essential element in politics. See Jeff Sessions statements earlier today if you are not convinced.

“He’s right, but I would do it differently!”

“How would you do it?”

“Not like Trump!”

“Yes, but how?”


So “more like ass kissing” is politics. Got it.

Actually, Warren has a pretty detailed plan.

Good. Does it involve taking more of my money? Other people’s?

Is it in my best interest?

Even if they like the message they can’t support it because they hate the messenger.

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