Man Who Fired First Shots Behind Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha Has Been Charged

They are not wild animals, animals don’t act like that. Savages.


I think we can all agree the only reason he got bail is because he is white.

Kyle is alive AFTER killing someone…IN PUBLIC.

Not the same as being killed by police while unarmed and using a fake $20.

Sounds like it wasn’t THAT important of an issue to conservatives… oh well.

Hilarious after another mass shooting by a white guy.

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great, then they can keep him locked up until he turns 18 in a couple months.

and yes, it does

After killing two rabid assailants who were attacking him in public, yes.

Rahhh, white people, garble garble.


Mass shooting?

In fairness, mass shootings will now see an uptick with a democrat gun grabber in the white house.

He got his bail because conservatives love them a gun toting vigilante “kid” who stuck it to these BLM monsters. They love the narrative.

VS getting killed for allegedly using a fake $20 or while in your house at 2am minding your own business.

They are not the same…

He got bail because he’s white. Vigilante?

Read this again slowly

Yep, it was so offensive that people who don’t even know them or have anything to do with them couldn’t resist the urge to go act like animals.

Brilliant. lol

You probably should if you didn’t get it the first time. :man_shrugging:

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This took an incredibly long time. Jeez.

Is that an order? :rofl:

“How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?” - Tucker Carlson

You can almost hear the soundtrack from Red Dawn playing in the background.

I hear the opening theme to The Lion King in the background.

If he were a rioter then Kamala and her group would have bailed him out.


Judges would have also accepted Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You.”

Those judges should be fired for even remembering that abomination of a song exists. lol