Males Leaving College

Horse feathers.

Man, I had to look that acronym up… that wasn’t around when I was in. We usually just got bombarded with sexual harassment stuff when we had our weekly safety briefings.

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Some day they’ll settle on a name for the most useless class in all of military history. lol

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Horses don’t have feathers and my statement stands unless you have a better explanation.

She was chosen.

  1. Race
  2. Sex
  3. Looks
  4. Everything else

I’ll bet she was a loudmouth attention escort way before she discovered her confidence in a piece of paper. :wink:

The reality is statistically speaking a person has less than a 0.00001% chance to be elected to Congress. The reality is however one gets there it’s virtually impossible. To be fair though one actually has to have talent to be a professional athlete.

I already said it depended on the degree. But even factoring in the people who majored in gender studies and now work at convenience stores, college grads earn more money.

Lawyers and doctors render the average useless.

How so?

Earnings. Come on man.

The Professor considers them dangerous because the Professor isn’t getting an opportunity to indoctrinate them.


[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:71, topic:240272, full:true”]

Yeah, lawyers and doctors earn a lot of money. So how does that make the average wage earned by a college grad “useless”?

[quote=“Oryx, post:73, topic:240272, full:true”]

Are you serious?

Yes. Doctors and lawyers went to college, you can’t throw them out just because it doesn’t fit your narrative. And if you don’t like the average, how about the median? The median college grad earns much more money than the median high school grad.

Have a nice day.

Really? That’s it?

Take out people with medical degrees, legal degrees, and other STEM degrees, those numbers would come down significantly.

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Why in the world would you take those people out? They all went to college. But if you don’t like the average, here’s the median:

Fundamental attribution errors are boring, especially when used for confirmation bias.