Make no mistake -- it is an invasion

So your house isn’t really like a country at all, then.

just go to a trump rally

The worst invasion I’ve ever heard of was spearheaded by Vinnie Vincent. What a travesty that was.

This is my impression of a Democrat about this subject.
You darn Republicans! If you don’t allow terrorists, gang members, drug lords,
and illegal immigrants come and go as they please, then you’re all racist, sexist, and hate children! You’re evil, and sick, and scum, and we will rise up against you, and harass you, wherever you go, because you deserve it! You deserve to have your lives threatened! You deserve to be harassed wherever you go! Even if you’re with your wife and kids!!! Because you hate kids, and women, and terrorists, and illegals!!! so we’re going to hate you!!! lmao.
Uuuuum, what? lol. So let me get this straight??? You’re saying that Republicans aren’t treating these people fairly, and yet Democrat/Left Wing nut jobs in the Democrat Party are telling their base to lash out at Republicans, and treat them unfairly? lol. Once again, this is why people are actually reacting, and going to vote for Republicans this midterm, so by all means, please continue this! Because people are seeing how much of a mob type mentality/Anarchists/left wing Socialist hypocrites you really are, and I’m not ganna lie, it is fun to watch the Democrats lose to themselves, and destroy themselves. lol.

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You spelled republican’s wrong.

The next century’s “Canterbury Tales” are no doubt being written by the pilgrims.

Aren’t we all?


Pocahontas Warren
The Massachusetts Tomahawk

It’s not an invasion, it’s a Guiness Book record caravan:

A lot of attacks on minorities and hispanics are followed with gleeful reciting of Trump’s name by the perpetrators.

They came here legally. I think that is the part libs tend to forget…on purpose.

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That’s not true.

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4 is not “a lot” by any type of math.

And they didn’t get handouts.

My intent was to laugh with you but it takes two.

Or that there weren’t any immigration restrictions for them to violate. And don’t kid yourself, if the countries where people who haven’t done anything’s ancestors immigrated from were connected to the US by a land mass, they would have just wandered on in, law or no law.

Get 'em in. Get 'em legal. Get 'em to the polls.


Well that’s convenient!

A thread calling a bunch of poor people trying to get out of terrible situations…that’s an invasion that we can talk about. A few centeries worth of ships filled with armed and armored people who intended to plunder the land regardless of who the met…that we can’t talk about.

Feel free to make your own thread. This is about modern times, and the modern invasion that is currently headed to our border.

If you know any mexican police officers in Southern Mexico, you might want to call and ask them if it felt like an invasion.

Point out where I said th shoot unarmed women and children please and thank you.

I said use APPRORIATE force to keep them on the other side of the border.

I fully support reflecting the illegal entry policy in place at the time that poem was put on the Statue of Liberty in our modern policy today.