Make America Mediocre!

Sure you wanna go there?

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With stock prices down, it’s a great time to be buying. True, it could drop a little lower, but trying to time the exact bottom is a foolish bet.

By carrying out the agenda he ran on.

I like details

You want to make apples to oranges comparisons. The United States is not like other nations in many ways, so what works in those nations won’t necessarily work here. One big difference is the percentage of people who want essentially open borders, Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden both fit into that percentage.

If you want America to emulate other countries, start with the idea of sovereign borders first. America should deal with illegals the way every other nation in the world deals with them. Even if Liberals were willing to entertain the notion of national sovereignty, there are still many differences in other countries.

I’m sure those struggling middle and poorer Americans are drooling at the chance to buy more stocks. :roll_eyes:

You have a one track mind. You really think illegals are the biggest problem in this country. They focus you on one small aspect, an easy target. There are much more important stuff that can get resolved

I suspect you don’t, otherwise you’d know why Trump is even more popular now than in 2016. Here’s a few things though just to humor you:

Building the wall…
Bringing back jobs, especially manufacturing jobs…
Rebuilding and supplying our military…
Middle class tax cuts…
Securing better trade deals…
Making NATO pay up…
Bodies and prisoners released from N.Korea…
Appointment of Judges to SCOTUS, and lower courts…

Many other things, but none you will credit him for.

Never met a rich dude who really made money day trading unless they were willing to drop about twenty to forty grand for a proper setup with level two displays and all that horse ■■■■ and even then you can still lose your shirt.

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I find amusing that Democrats have somehow left the true populist and the true compromise candidate as the last two. There’s no real way to target both simultaneously.

Whether people are in the stock market or not has nothing to do with Trump. However, when the market is down, there is opportunity for people to buy stock when they might not otherwise be able to.

The fundamentals of our economy haven’t changed, the market is responding as it always does to world news. Today, the big driver is oil, but the issues will resolve and the market will turn back around. Great opportunities now for day and swing traders and for people looking for long term buys… Nothing idiotic about that.

Because it is socialism and we know it won’t end well.


No, there are many factors working at once. I’m simply pointing out that the US has a problem unique among nations in the number of illegals we deal with and HOW we deal with them. The US has a huge population compared to Australia and Canada for example. If Liberals will not allow America to provide for it’s citizens first, by defining who is and who is not a citizen and therefore entitled to tax payer funded benefits, and second, by limiting those services to citizens, then there is no possible way to ever keep costs down. Right now, there are an estimated 20 million people in our country illegally. We have almost as many illegals as the entire population of Australia. This is just ONE difference between America and any other nation you keep trying to compare us to.

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The main reason the politicians dont really have to go after the illegals is they are mostly a boon to our economy. They buy groceries, rent apartments,buy cars. I don’t like them getting paid cash but that’s the fact. Most put into our system and dont get it back with any social security numbers and so forth. We always go after our southern border but in my experience the eastern Europeans tend to scam the system more but we overlook them because of their skin color. Not as easy to recognize. They teach each other the loopholes. Why did the gain of eight not make a dent into this problem? Everybody is scared of compromise so nothing will get done and they’re happy as hogs. Cheap labor and a campaign issue. I think the solution would be easy. If an illegal gets caught hiring illegal employees the first fine is 1000$, the second is 25000$ and each one after is 100000$. It will change quickly

Go after the people who knowingly and repeatedly hire undocumented labor, seize their property and throw them into jail.

That will fix the problem faster than any wall.

Yet Western European countries avoided those gates and adopted some measures of socialism. I think we have more in common with western Europe than with Cuba and Venezuela. You seem to hold Americans in low esteem.

Said the person who’s clearly never met a Sanders supporter.

I’m not even sure who to support at this point.

I’m all for slamming companies that hire illegals, but if you keep providing incentives like free healthcare, free college and all the other stuff that tax payers pay for, they will come anyway.

The issue though is comparing us to other countries. Other countries don’t have this issue.

The US is very different in other ways than the so called socialist European nations. What would keep us from going the way of Venezuela under Bernie’s policies?