Make America Mediocre!

Nope, Democrats are a Clear and Present Danger to America and the people after helping fund the Steele dossier to aide Obama in his illegal spying…

You’re right… give it to green energy again! Only liberals should benefit!

Nice dodge…

Not a dodge.

What it is is using US history and the policies implemented here in the 20th century to have a real discussion instead of a made up scary one.

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As far as I know, Australia and the US have a pretty good relationship. Not every country does as you keep pointing out how many world leaders laugh at Trump.

I just asked some simple questions. I’ve not made anything up. You choose not to answer and changed the subject. That’s called a dodge…

Being made great again as we speak…

May as well put their worst up since their best don’t have a chance.

We did the same in 2008 and 2012.


It did take our former PM Malcolm Turnbull to tell some home truths to Trump before Trump realised the nature of our relationship. A relationship which John McCain understood well.

We never had a serious Marxist/Leninist movement in this country beyond a handful of kooks.

What he have had is a Progressive era where social safety nets and the role of the Central Government into the market was expanded.

By the 90’s most Centrist Democrats fall along the lines of Neo Liberal/Third way economic thinking.

Most people realize that The Ayn Randian vision of a complete lassez faire market economy and the Marxist/Leninist vision of Socialist central control both would be disfunctional and would collapse.

So, instead of pulling up the scary boogie men, let’s talk about things that are squarely in the US political tradition and compare that to other first world mixed economies.


What makes you think the US would follow that direction? Europe has socialist elements and is doing just fine. Is the US less capable?

How exactly

Trump is holding a fund raiser.
The less he is focused on tweeting stupid stuff, the better America is.

Lol he was tweeting about oil prices falling which is great for the consumer. The stock market not so much

One of his idiot sons did tweet saying that its a great time to buy stocks.

Again, the question is ignored. Do you believe that Lenin and Castro were in any way truthful to the people of their respective countries, about their intent in their revolutions? Do you think they would have had the support they did if they had been honest?

It’s not a Boogeyman or monster under the bed scenario here. Bernie evidently, by his praise of Castro and choice of honeymoon destinations, admires what Socialism brought to those countries. What makes you think that his vision for America under socialism is different than Russia or Cuba under socialism? Because he SAYS so?

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Legislature robbed the trust and it faces perpetual insolvency.

I like the program. If we can make SS solvent…then let’s talk health insurance.

One toe at a time.


Certain things we could do like remove the cap. I personally dont like disability coming out of social security , hopefully it would come from another fund but probably would never happen.

I know when I work I have to multitask all the time. Why do legislators get off the hook,?

I’m right? I said no such thing.