Magic Joes greatest trick!

I’m not saying Soros, but this is most certainly old money type power.

Of course he is but he is not alone

I know i am just joking.

Oh… can you name another in that class?

Sounds more like you’re thinking.

The country doesn’t actually need to be run. It kinda runs itself. The IRS, FBI, the FDA and nearly everything else just cruises along without presidential guidance. As for who’s making the decisions? I’m guessing it’s his staff.

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True, but you have to burn cash to make true believers

That’s basically what I was asking. Because if you put a piece of toast in front of him, then place jam and butter within equal distance of his reach, Buridan’s ass would go into effect.

Ah brother, they’ve been making them for 100 years. What is the college loan debt transfer all about?

One of the things that scares me about this election is that the dems are not running a campaign. They do not discus ideas or how they would fix problems. It’s like they don’t think it matters, so what are they really planning?

So i guess this is the new conspiracy. Fascinating

It’s not really a conspiracy. Whoever is making the decisions now wants to keep making those decisions. They can’t do it if they nominate someone else. Joe is just the sock puppet figurehead. There has to be dozens of candidates better suited to run for President than a washed up dish rag that can hardly think for himself.

None of this is conspiracy. His nomination is honorary at this point. You could put a German Shephard up there, it’s the same thing. The difference is the dog can’t actually sign anything.

That’s not what was being proposed. What’s being proposed is that because the dems aren’t campaigning hard while Trump is on trial means that they are going to do something g nefarious.

Oh I see. Well if you’re not campaigning, there’s a reason. Wouldn’t you agree? People are just taking guesses because that is very rare. I just think they aren’t doing it because you can’t do it with a person that has maybe 5 hours awake time during a day. Is it so out of the question they might want to make up for that? But yeah, that is conspiratorial.