Magic Joes greatest trick!

I have to give credit where it’s due here. Despite his utter incompetence in everything he does, Biden has managed to accomplish perhaps the greatest trick ever. With his only prop being feckless senility, he opens his mouth, says something stupid or does something to hurt Americans and PRESTO- He turns Democrats into Republicans! The ease with which he accomplished this feat should be the envy of every magician. No mere illusion from Joe though. No smoke and mirrors or sleight of hand, but genuine transformation from the inside out! Young and old, black and white, men and women, even lifelong Democrats changed by Magic Joe!

We see Joes handiwork all over the country, they seem especially visible at Donald Trump rallies. Who would have thought that destroying our economy, opening our borders, fostering crime, enriching our enemies, abandoning our allies, getting Americans killed, making energy and the basic necessities of life unaffordable, persecuting political opponents, subverting the rule of law, ignoring the Constitution and the Supreme Court, taking bribes, bribing voters and making the US a joke on the world stage and many other gifts too numerous to mention, would result in gaining such miraculous power. But Joe has done it! He’s one of a kind in Presidential history. WAY TO GO JOE! Finally an act of yours I enjoy watching every minute of… Eagerly anticipating your final curtain call!

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Who’s actually running this country? Joe doesn’t look like he can start a washing machine.

Well he’s certainly great at pushing buttons…

As the op demonstrates.


The never ending fantasy of the omnipresent Obama.

Rent-free coming up on two decades soon.

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Somebody’s doing it.

His own staff and cabinet who clearly have a “prog” agenda. This is not the Biden of yesteryear.

Definitely not the Brandon of yesteryear.

Where did his staff and cabinet come from?

I didn’t disagree that there is overlap but i think they are quite capable of driving “Obama” agenda without Obama being in any kind of control.

You didn’t answer the question.

If it is the “obama agenda”, is Obama not in control?

By Obama agenda i meant prog agenda.

I did answer the question. There is overlap of staff from Obama admin

I think he is being controlled by them and they are capable of driving prog agenda without Obama being in control.

Based on what?

Who is in control?

What do you mean based on what?

They are. One of them is.

You claim they can run it without obana being in control-what do you base that claim on? When have they done that.


No the claim is that Obama is in control for which there is zero evidence. The prog agenda is in control with it being driven by various aides staff and cabinet.

Why does it matter so much as who is the exact person?

  1. Brandon’s staff came from Obama.
  2. Brandon consults with Obama.
  3. It’s the radical side of the agenda Obama couldn’t implement as POTUS.
  4. Obama is the indoctrinated radical, not Brandon.
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  1. Some did
  2. Sure.
  3. This is where it all falls apart
  4. Sure and his staff were similarly chosen and now some are part of the admin and push the “radical” agenda. He doesn’t need to be in control.