Magic Joes greatest trick!

The shot callers.

Why? How? Obama was limited in what he could do while on the throne, not least because of race. Do you deny it.

He has no doubt learned how much more he can do as a former POTUS with plausible deniability. He doesn’t have to worry about impacting his legacy or damaging those who come behind, such as Booker.

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If it’s his agenda run by his people consulting him, how is he not in control?

I think you underestimate the cult nature of obamamania.

I certainly did.

I gotta agree with freeandclear on this, it’s a radical progie cabal holding Biden’s strings. Obama is just a frontman.

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Approach it from your perspective of neo Marxism and Marcuse etc. Obama is part of the system - the agenda. He doesn’t need to be in control.

I don’t think that he wants to be but that’s obviously just guesswork

Doesn’t somebody have to be in the moment? It’s not Brandon, we agree. Then whom?

Why not? It’s not like it’s hard.

Yes there needs to be a leader or at least a guide. It could very well be his chief of staff or someone high within the admin.

It’s not Obama, he is certainly in the loop but he doesn’t have the cash (or brains) to run the show.

Most likely a junta of progressive power figures, with Barak as part of the group.

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Klain is out. “Someone” is not high enough.

He doesn’t need cash to run the dogma. Cash is for executing. They have our cash.

I like junta better than cabal. :blush:

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I agree. How influential is Choom in that group?

Central Committee of the Politboro

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Cash is for all the back room ■■■■ and behind the scene work. Whoever is funding that is ultimately calling the shots.

Here comes Soros to join Barack :upside_down_face:

You don’t have to buy True Believers.

You think he’s not on speed dials?

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