Louisiana requires ID and age verification to access adult content online

VPN companies will see a 200% increase in revenue from Louisiana lol.

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Asking parents to do the impossible instead of adults looking at porn being slightly inconvenienced.

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I get your pointā€¦

But one can justify many many things with that line of thinking.

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TOR!! WTH man, people are trying to finger the browser again! Show VPN and Torrent to the underground.


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Guess we should get rid of age restrictions for booze, guns and cigarettes, those should be up to the parent as well right? If you donā€™t want your ten year old hanging out in bars itā€™s your job to stop it.


It is amazing to me how a small sub-group of aging right-wingers have gone full moral panic nanny-state over the course of the last few years.

I mean, itā€™s clear a last gasp type of thing, but still - after a decade of shouting about ā€œsmall government,ā€ ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ and ā€œfreedom,ā€ thereā€™s a certain level of irony in the Karen-esque cries of ā€œthink of the CHILDREN!ā€ coming from those same people.


Government doesnā€™t mandate that you submit your ID just to look at those things.

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Hooray for small governmnet!

Parents being against kids watching porn isnā€™t something new.


Iā€™m not saying that. I understand and sympathize with why people want to do this.

Technically the age restriction for access to porn is 18. Itā€™s just impossible to enforce.

Plus Iā€™m pretty sure these kids arenā€™t even really using porn sites anymore. That was my generationā€™s thing and Iā€™m 33 now.

Theyā€™re probably getting their material from Reddit or just sending pics to each other with apps like Snapchat. How on earth could that be enforced?

In summary, the government is WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY too late on the idea of suppressing porn. That ship sailed way back when sails were still a thing. :rofl:


Itā€™s really no skin off my back if conservatives want to live in authoritarian nanny-states of their own creation.

Iā€™m not worried about New York pulling this ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– 

Twitter files, nothing burger though right?

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how is this even enforceable.
pornhub for example isnt a us corporation. i think they are technically a canadian company but really a european one.

if they dont have any us assets how could a judgement against them be enforced?

Porn has been a driving force of technology and industry for decades at least.

Filth indeed drives society. :rofl:

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Why is it any of your business if other peopleā€™s kids watch porn?

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Forget the kids, we must protect sex workers income streams.


Yes, absolutely.

Now that weā€™ve gotten that out of the way, are their any other topics youā€™d like to deflect to, or should we go back to the topic of this thread?

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Rather ask why you feel itā€™s important to protect childrenā€™s ability to watch porn.


Hmmmā€¦in part, yes. But also itā€™s the obligation of the bartender.