Louie gohmert introduces bill to ban the democratic party

That doesn’t even make sense.

Why did you do a long justification of the expression?

Because of your vacuous innuendo as already pointed out.

You are entirely transparent.

All based on me sayingy nicely phrased?

It was a well crafted expression with a fulsome defense at the ready.

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I know.

Gohmert, who made it clear in his statement that the move was entirely intended to troll Democrats in response to the vote

No more idiotic than trying to erase history.

You’re both simply making it up. It took me all of 30 seconds to answer you.

a guy led by a blackface PM shouldn’t throw stones

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was nixon elected in canada?

Yeah…go get in your time machine and don’t let the door hit ya. See ya. :sunglasses:

Y[quote=“WildRose, post:48, topic:233348, full:true”]
You’re both simply making it up. It took me all of 30 seconds to answer you.

You answered a non question with a pre planned rant about how what you said wasn’t racist in response to me saying you probably have something saying you’re not racist.

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Hey…on opening day of dove, that telephone pole is one exciting place to be. :sunglasses:

I know that’s right! :grin:

God bless your little heart!

Hope I did that right, displaced Yankee.