Losing it...Trump calls for Romney impeachment

My sister is a lawyer we talked about this at dinner today. She agrees congress members do not rise to the level of impeachable no matter what they do. Romney could shoot someone on 5th Avenue…and they could not impeach him! :laughing:

Expulsion is much simpler anyhow, as it requires none of the formalities of impeachment.

As with William Blount…he was expelled from the Senate in July. And impeachment didn’t start until January of the next year.

Yes, YOU should stay away from sites like that.

Apparently, fat donald wants everyone impeached. :rofl:

At least he finally settled on a nickname for Pelosi.

So Trump wants the Democrat controlled House of Reps to impeach a Senator who quite probably would vote in favour of finding Trump guilty in a Senate trial of Trump. Does anyone see a flawin Trump’s thought process?

Check your constitution, they can be.

The above is a link to my previous post in this thread.

The Constitution provides the separate process of expulsion for Members of Congress. In concluding the case of William Blount, the Senate ruled that Members of Congress are not subject to impeachment and the House of Representatives has not attempted to impeach a Member of Congress since that time.

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So why not grab a black sharpie and add Senate Impeachment rules. It works for science, why not law?

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Romney is one odd dude. He hates Trump ( once he’s elected), and helps dems who used the IRS to make sure he was not president. I figure the FBI during Obama was corrupted covering that up too!