Looks like Trump in 4 years didn’t even make Canada as mad as Biden did in one day

How cute that Joe will ■■■■ on every lib on his way to unpackaging Trump’s legacy. You’ll see the train just before it runs you over.


You mean the guy that lost to sleepy old senile Joe? What a loser he must feel like tonight.

I had written off the energy sector maybe with Biden in power looking at the 20% increase in crude oil since he won in November the oil sector is looking tempting as prices are likely to rebound over the coming months.

I guess Biden thinks it would be better to ship all that crude in tanker trucks? Nit wit.

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Not sure he said he was disappointed, it is a big blow to Canada they have nowhere near the GDP we have and that was going to be 800,000 barrels of oil a day. Imagine losing that contract after spending billions on the project, not sure how that can be good news for them.

I still fail to understand how this will help lowering emissions according to Canada the pipeline would be zero emissions by 2030. I thought that was the goal. Want they have to maintain the usual routes of transportation to export it here all that emits carbon dioxide? Trucks, rail, ships etc…

The fossil fuel sector isn’t going away just because the left is having a hizzie fit over it. The only way it will disappear is if viable alternatives are developed, and that takes invention, not causes.

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Who is the authoritarians?

Yeah, or from the other side of the earth in supertankers…great idea there Joe!

Safe…Very safe.

Sleepy Joe is a plagerist and conformist…Not a risk taker.

Over a much longer distance.

Just call her racist first and louder.

Your president is in Washington.


Trumps over. He lost.

(Insert Macklemore video)


Now…look directly in that mirror behind you and say that again. :sunglasses:

Why do we care what Canadians think of our president?

What happened to America First?

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I don’t think you guys understand what the pipeline is for.

What do you think Trump would have done if that pipeline was to run near any of his properties? He’d be the first one suing to have it stopped…NIMBY.

Hamstring energy and the endless wars will be back before Kamala has her turn.

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He is illegitimate & stole the election. He is NOT my president, Trump is the legitimate President. Biden & Harris are posers & thieves. They should be removed & the rightful winners put back where they legitimately belong.

I will NEVER recognize these swine as my president or vice president.

Enjoy the wars he democrats will get us into…

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It’s ok, Joe Biden is President whether you recognize him or not. I have no doubt there were nutty progressives who never recognized Trump as President either, yet he was for 4 years.

Trump was only partially President given the bureaucracy opposed his every move from day one.