Local Policy Gaining National Attention School-Hair

When there is an interpretation issue, yes the policy owner decides.

In that little town, there is about a $5k an acre premium. Because of the school district.

The policy is archaic and should be modified immediately to let this kid attend graduation. It’s adoption is the first place is questionable at best.

He kept his dreads within the length limits by keeping them pulled up and back.

Suddenly the school says that they violate the rules because IF THEY WERE down they would violate the rules, even though the kid NEVER has them down at school.

That is jackassery and someone decided to target the kid for some reason.

From the link above.

"Barbers Hill ISD has a long-standing dress code, but we absolutely allow dreadlocks. What we do not allow is any action that circumvents or violates the provision regarding hair length.

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It didn’t just grow that long over Christmas break.

Wow, no kidding. What a revelation!

Holy ■■■■■

Are there people who are actually arguing that the school is correct in having a stupid rule about hair length?


Total coincidence it turns out to be Jews and black folks so much I’m sure.

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He must have violated all rules of human hair growth for it to suddenly be in violation in less than a month. Those are some powerful locs.

They were totally fine with the kid having locs as long as he kept them bound up Young Thug style until like twenty days ago.

At 1/32-1/16th of an inch per day exactly how long does it take to go from barely in compliance to over limit?

Um that’s my point. Thanks for walking right into it. He was allowed to have locs as long as he kept them up until twenty days ago. The they changed their mind.

Do you live there?

Glad I could help.

No. Up and pulled back is not length.

I doubt that.

They were just watching and waiting until his hair grew that 1/32 of an inch over the line.


And the last time you got a ticket wasn’t the first time you were speeding.

Do you live there?

Was until twenty days ago. What changed?