LMBO: CNN "poll" shows 5% of Trump supporters are switching to Harris

From the sloppy, dripping drooling love-piece masquerading as news:

Vice President Kamala Harris is winning over some of former President Donald Trump’s supporters, according to a new CNN poll. . . .

Harris, like Biden, has trailed Trump in the polls for months. But her supporters argue she is more capable of running a robust campaign that could win over swing voters while increasing the already mounting Democratic enthusiasm for the race. . . .

. . . The poll showed Harris trailing the former president by three points (49 percent to 46 percent).

Still, the poll found that 95 percent of Biden’s supporters are continuing to stick with Harris, while she is winning over 5 percent of Trump’s former supporters. . .

Newsweek reached out to the Harris and Trump campaigns via email for comments. . . .

Donald Trump Supporters Flipping to Kamala Harris: New Poll - Newsweek

Did anyone notice the article getting statements or quotes from both sides?
Any dissenting opinions mentioned in the article?

Yup, real journalism from a real journalism majors.
I have no doubt hat’s they way they’re taught

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Some outlets actively scrubbed articles from years ago when they used “border czar” prominently.


Oh yes, the scrubbing of the internet and narrative realignment has been begun. :joy:


I read that Axios was criticizing calling Kamala the “border czar” until it was pointed out to them that they had previously called her the border czar. They claimed that had been a mistake.


Oh they ALL used border czar. They are so full of ■■■■■ And the lemmings nod along as if it’s always been so.

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia. :wink:


Yes, here is a twitter repost of the Axios article using the word “Czar.”

The fact that Biden did not use the word “Czar” has been front-and-center of numerous articles and “fact checks” attacking the GOP.
Those stories, like the one above, are ridiculously transparent.

Typically those articles completely fail to mention that, although Biden did not use the word “Czar” he did put her in charge of border security. (He does so in the 24-second video clip below)


Careful, we’re in the splash zone. :rofl:

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Probabilty some of the 5% is really a respondent’s disinformation tactics.

Common ploy of pretense of being one political persuasions switching to another political allegiance to astroturf an artificial bandwagon effect of switching votes.


It seems to me the czar argument is a distraction. What matters is that most Americans think the Biden/Harris administration failed on the border.


The fake news poll…k.

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And that Brandon put Fweedom in charge of it.


Here is a 1-minute 12-second compilation of CNN, MSNBC
first saying Kamala Harris was named “Border Czar”
and then, after Joe Biden dropped out, running a story accusing the Republicans of lying by making that claim.

You are correct clearly it is a distraction.
Not wanting to report the Harris’ abysmal failure at the border,
the media, marching in lockstep, singing in unison, all of them reading from the same script, chose exactly the same (false) attack on the GOP.


The mainstream media is nothing but a weapon for the Democrat party that is intentionally dividing this nation and I seriously consider all 6 owners of them an enemy of “we the people”.


It’s a Horse Hockey poll.

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It’s straight up 1984 level propaganda.


Is it inconceivable that a non-insignificant portion of voters who would not have voted for Biden (mainly due to age) will now vote for Harris ?


Btw, the poll cited in the OP still shows Trump winning albeit by a smaller margin than previous poll vs. Biden.

And she pulled a General Arnold invasion of Canada level of ■■■■ up on it.

it’s hard to believe that any Trump supporter would go for a hard leftist

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Suddenly people are pretending the large faction of voters who hated having to choose between 2 really old people are going to be relieved and will jump at the chance to vote for someone not in their 80s.

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